They are all pro-women, but at the same time created the transgender "woman", a democratic modern day Frankenstein...They are all pro-women, but at the same time they were raping girls at the island of Epstein... They say "women can be whatever they want to be", but if they chose to be Nationalists, then it is not fine... They say "we are for women's freedoms", but not for their freedom of speech or their freedom of mind... If you still believe this scum, you must be deaf and you must be blind... Death penalty for the unborn babies, but not for the ones who are rapping women and children... Such a wonderful coherent humanism of Weimar style... A fake society where modern democratic women in constant tears, must have always a smile... Because what really matters in democratic post-truth and fake-society, are the appearances to the cameraman...or to the page of Facebook, or to the page of Instagram... Getting up every morning for work... Deducting about half of salary income in taxes to subsidize non-native parasites who do not have jobs of any sort... Another democratic "legalized" theft... Sponsored both by the democratic right and the democratic left... If you don't need God(s) or me... Tell me then, how will you escape this Jewtrix prison and how will you set yourself free? It's just a sad utopy... It's just a giant lack of humilty... You can't do it alone... You never could... And that reality will never change despite of your mood... We were made to fight together for our race and ethnicity, and not fighting between ourselves... True and radical love is more strong than steel and more thik than glue... But you didn't get it in the proper time... And so you were subverted by the Jew... And if you still don't get it, it is not only him the problem, but it is also you... And you can be bitter to me for me saying that... But I don't care; because I'm keeping my promise of not lying but telling you always the truth... Tough love is just a variation of love... And I have many variations of it... As I always had... Which is way better compared to fake love and/or it's absence... Something that you should have already perceived through your feminine Sixth Sense...
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