quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2024


"Independence Day, known colloquially as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America."

47 comentários:

  1. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:10

    The founding of the USA, the wishes and warnings of the founding fathers are of no interest, all of this is in the past.

    Now it's time to feel guilty about your "crimes of slavery" American goyim, because the past cannot be erased.

  2. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:15

    Why don't you want to be the target of constant surveillance (and illegal surveillance by the way) American citizen? Do you have something to hide? If you have nothing to hide, why do you fear constant scrutiny of your private life?

    Ah, but questioning the official narrative of the Holocaust is anti-Semitism and should be prohibited, despite such a prohibition being unconstitutional, because it violates the right to freedom of expression and freedom of thought.

  3. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:19

    If the steel beams of the World Trade Center that melted from the heat of the fire were made of wooden doors...The World Trade Center would still be standing today.

  4. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:19

    Those who accuse us Jews of having brought down the World Trade Center using explosives in a controlled demolition in a terrorist act against the USA are nothing more than conspiracy theorists.
    It was the plane's gasoline fire that was so hot it melted steel beams. The fact that passport made of paper and plastic of an Islamic terrorist was found and did not melt equally, there is nothing strange about that

  5. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:20

    Does anyone know the brand and model of the plane that crashed tower number 7? I can't remember...

  6. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:21

    "We are all the same", we preach to the European and American goyims to further our multicultural agenda/Kalergi plan.

    "You are anti-Semites", "We are not", we preach to European and American dissidents.

    Oops, I buried myself in my narrative!

  7. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:22

    "If the steel beams of the World Trade Center that melted from the heat of the fire were made of wooden doors...The World Trade Center would still be standing today."

    I know this because my great-grandfather who escaped ALIVE from 3 DEATH camps told me all these stories. Do you understand? He escaped 3 DEATH camps ALIVE.
    Get it goyims?

  8. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:22

    With each passing decade there are more and more survivors of the Jewish Holocaust, and there is nothing strange about this.

  9. Those who accuse US Jewish citizens of dual loyalty, this accusation is a total lie!
    We cannot be simultaneously loyal to those we call ourselves friends and to those who do so, so, so much harm to that same friend.
    We only have one loyalty, and that is to Israel.
    As for the USA, we simply committed various acts of treason - and terrorism - against them.

    So please stop with these accusations of dual loyalty!
    Stop lying!

  10. It was Hamas and Hezbollah that attacked the USS Liberty.

  11. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:25

    We made the fetanol-soaked drug addict, carjacker of innocent people, burglars of innocent citizens' homes and former pornographic actor George Floyd a martyr of oppression and injustice in every mainstream channel we have.

    Meanwhile, we are bombing and killing thousands of innocent civilians - including children and women - in Palestine and committing various war crimes.

  12. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism.
    So the Palestinians Semites are anti-Semitic!

  13. Nothing says better "defend the US middle class" than sending billions to Israel in order to cause even more inflation, which falls precisely on the American middle class.

    Nothing says "preserving the nuclear family" better than dragging the USA into a regional war, perhaps World War, for the benefit of Israel, and causing many thousands of American families to be torn apart due to the deadly consequences of that same war.

  14. AVERAGE NEO-CONSERVATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:27

    Nothing says better "be for the White man" than sending White man to go die for Israel.

  15. AVERAGE LIBERAL FROM THE LEFT AND FROM THE RIGHT3 de julho de 2024 às 15:28

    Nothing says "be an anti-racist" better, than bombing Aryan, Semitic and mixed-race people in the Middle East for the sake of Zionist supremacy.

  16. Nothing says "have credibility" better than defending Israeli Nationalism while condemning the Nationalism of all other ethnicities in the West.

  17. AVERAGE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN3 de julho de 2024 às 15:29

    Nothing says “Judeo-Christian values” better than the Jews being primarily responsible for the murder of Christ.

  18. Nothing says "boost the economy" better than causing a huge rise in fuel prices in the future as a consequence of supporting Israel in a war from which we not only benefit nothing but will actually harm ourselves immensely.

  19. AVERAGE DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN3 de julho de 2024 às 15:30

    Nothing says "we support our police" better than screwing up their quality of life through inflation, eating a considerable part of their savings in the bank - for those who still manage to save some money - because of that same inflation and in the future causing a mega-economic-financial collapse which future consequences will obviously be much higher inflation, an increase in the retirement age and the value of pensions taking major cuts due to the bankruptcy of States and the collapse of social security.

    All because of supporting the Terrorist State of Israel.

  20. I'm the one who's so fucking ugly, and Islamic women are the ones with their faces covered?
    This is all crazy!

  21. To be or not to be,
    where are my antidepressants, them I can't see,
    that is the question, of a poor teacher of philosophy...

  22. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:35

    Support MIGA!
    Make Israel Great Again!
    Make Inflations Great Again!

  23. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:36

    We are for gender equality.
    And for that same reason we are going to fuck up - even more - the US economy, seriously harming both its male citizens and its female citizens.

  24. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:36

    A group of Blacks? It's a gang.

    A group of Italians? It's a mafia.

    A group of Palestinians? It's a terrorist group.

    A group of Jews in the banks, media, press and democratic parties? It's just a coincidence...

  25. And a group of Americans, does anyone know what it is?
    They are our tax payers/sponsors.


  26. I am waaaay more important than the Founding Fathers.
    Everyone pulling their pants down for the Jews and Israel in 3,2,1, NOW!

  27. We were advised to bring musical instruments to the battlefield in GAZA to boost the morale of our soldiers. Does anyone know how to play Beethoven on a cash register(the Jewish piano)?

  28. THE DANCING ISRAELIS3 de julho de 2024 às 15:41

    We don't sing or play, but we know how to dance.

  29. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:43

    We defend all minorities around the world
    ...except the Palestinians
    ...we simply genocide those...

  30. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:44

    We preach that democracies in the West are "states of law" and that everyone must obey the law, and we tax large millions of citizens in the West based on that same constitutional agreement. But we Jews in the West not only do not obey the law, we also commit numerous crimes and neither we go to prison nor we pay monetary compensations to the victims.

  31. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:44

    We are in favor of the emancipation and autonomy of Western women.
    Hence we are constantly burden them with more and more taxes.

  32. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:45

    It is a lie that we Jews control most of the banks, newspapers and media in the USA and Europe.

    Asking and investigating who controls most of the banks, newspapers and media in the USA and Europe is "anti-Semitism".

    Oops, I buried myself in my narrative!

  33. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:46

    We are an oppressed MINORITY in the West who occupy the MAJORITY positions in Banks, Media, and Democratic political parties.

  34. One of the most pathetic things that I enjoy seeing the most is watching the American idiots celebrate the 4th of July.
    They celebrate the independence achieved from the British, while at the same time they are our colony!!!
    And in terms of harmful measures against them, we have done and continue to do much much much much much much much worse than what the British ever did to them.


    Fucking stupid american goyims!

  35. I just want to tell our goyim slaves, erghh, sorry, to our American CITIZENS that printing billions of dollars to send to Israel will not cause any inflation.

  36. THE SPIRIT OF FOUNDING FATHERS3 de julho de 2024 às 15:49

    If so, why do Americans pay the taxes they do? All you need to do is print all the money you need every time.
    No need for taxes...

  37. Critical and independent thinking is anti-Semitism.

  38. Not to lie, not to spy, and not to subvert your host Nation and/or country, is anti-Semitism

  39. YOUR GREATEST ALLY, THE JEW3 de julho de 2024 às 15:51

    Another cop murdered by our Jewish vaccine.
    What a great day! And these stupid goyim cops still serves us, protect us, and the most surreal, they obey us!


  40. While there are demonstrations against Israel and the Jews in the streets of USA, I'm selling Israeli but also Palestinian flags on the street. This way I earn double!

  41. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:55

    I was kicked out of different bars 109 times.
    It's obviously not my fault or my disgusting nature.
    It was always the fault of the clientele and the bar owners.

  42. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:56

    I dated 109 guys, and they all left me.
    Obviously the defect is not mine, but of all of them.

  43. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:57

    I was fired 109 times from the most varied jobs. Obviously it has nothing to do with my horrible personality. It was always the fault of other workers and bosses.

  44. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:57

    109 times I have never been able to cause an orgasm with the women I have had sex with. Obviously the defect is in all of them because I am an excellent lover.

  45. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:58

    I went to 109 recruitments at the most diverse football clubs. None of them wanted me, but the defect is not mine. I'm amazing at playing ball, better than Roberto Baggio, Karel Poborsky, Aimar, Zidane, Messi and so on...

  46. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:58

    I had 109 car accidents. But it's not my fault, the other drivers are all idiots and the roads are all shit.

  47. JEWS AND THEIR NARRATIVE3 de julho de 2024 às 15:59

    The fact that the best philosophers in the world, over the centuries, have warned about the Jewish problem, and have said that we are a harmful element for other peoples, proves absolutely nothing. Obviously the best philosophers in the world are all people who don't know how to think, nor have the ability to analyze society and humanity.


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