Não são aceites comentários que usem a mentira como contra-argumentação.
Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade.
Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses.
Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.
ResponderExcluirThe English police, who are in a kind of Talmudist inquisition against their English goyim-slaves under occupation when they exercise freedom of expression in their occupied Nation(zog), are fining and arresting them with the pseudo-argument of "spreading misinformation".
ResponderExcluirThese same police forces, however, have not yet arrested any politician for the factual disinformation they provided regarding the effectiveness and/or safety of the Jewish vaccines under the pretext of Covid-19.
The conclusion is therefore evident, factual and irrefutable. The English police have no credibility, cannot be trusted, and are against the Native English people.
The English police, who are in a kind of Talmudist inquisition against their English goyim-slaves under occupation when they exercise freedom of expression in their occupied Nation(zog), are fining and arresting them with the pseudo-argument of "spreading misinformation".
ResponderExcluirThese same police forces, however, have not yet arrested any politician for the factual disinformation they provided when they say that women can have penises under the pretext of the LGBT agenda.
The conclusion is therefore evident, factual and irrefutable. The English police have no credibility, cannot be trusted, and are against the Native English people.