sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

Nem de propósito...

 "Arsonist attacked a synagogue in France, set fire to 2 cars and detonated a gas cylinder. 1 police officer was injured. 

An explosion took place outside a synagogue in southern France on Saturday morning, which police are treating as attempted arson. It was caused by two cars being set alight outside the Beth Yaacov synagogue in La Grande-Motte, authorities said. One of the vehicles contained a hidden gas bottle.

When asked about this attack on non-native Jews, the Gauls citizens responded:
"Wasn't it the Jews who said and propagated - and still do - that "diversity is our strength"?
Wasn't it the Jews who created a veritable multicultural and multiracial powder keg in France through the Kalergi Plan?
It is about time that they too began to reap what they sowed in France through their daily subversion."

Police officers who requested anonymity also confided to us that it is expected that many more and more serious attacks of this kind will affect Jews throughout France, since the list of crimes committed by Jews against both native French people and other minorities is immense, and therefore revenge can be taken by any citizen of the French State, at any time, in any place."

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