domingo, 5 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Young woman suffers brutal injuries in her own home after gang viciously beat her and loot family safe

Sophie Wakefield said she is “terrified”, unable to sleep and suffering from tremors because of the incidente

A gang has brutally attacked a young woman in her Cheltenham home and looted her family’s safe.
Sophie Wakefield, 21, opened the door of her house on Warden Hill Road at 6.30am yesterday to a man pretending to be delivering a parcel, before he barged past her with five other men.
They punched her repeatedly in the face and kicked her in the ribs until she opened the safe for them.

The men, believed to be "Asian"(wich is a codeword for "muslim pakistani"), fled in a black Audi A3 at 6.45am with high-value items and cash, leaving Ms Wakefield with substantial bruising to her face and ribs.

The former Cheltenham Bournside School student was alone in the house, where she lives with her parents Richard and Jayne, and her 19-year-old sister Kirsty."

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