domingo, 5 de novembro de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"New documents released by FBI exposes MLK as depraved adulterer, homosexual, communist controled and payed by Jews.

Martin Luther King, The Fraud.

The 20-page document attempts to tie the civil rights leader to various communist influences and alleges financial improprieties at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the civil rights organization that he led. The document also contains insinuations and assertions about King's personal life, including extramarital affairs and other sexual improprieties that would have been deeply embarrassing to King at the time.

The scandalous 20-page report says that “a responsible Los Angeles individual” informed an agent that King had an affair with the wife of a prominent black dentist and may have fathered a baby girl.

The individual, who was a relative of King’s paramour and had known the reverend since 1960, also accused him of having affairs with three other women, including Baez.

The dossier also alleges that King had a proclivity for orgies – and that the frisky revelries even took place at workshops where he was training ministers in urban leadership.

At a Miami conference in February 1968, a minister who attended “expressed his disgust with the behind-the-scene drinking, fornication, and homosexuality that went on.”

“Throughout the ensuing years and until this date King has continued to carry on his sexual aberrations secretly while holding himself out to the public view as a moral leader of religious conviction,” the report says.

New FBI docs further expose how closely Martin Luther King Jr was controlled by Jewish internal terrorists, including Communist Stanley Levison who ghostwrote his books and speeches.
Levison stated, "under no circumstances should King be permitted to say anything without their approving it" because he was a "slow thinker" unprepared to speak "without help from someone".

Notas pessoais:

Se isto fosse uma Nação a sério, as autoridades anti-corrupção e anti-terrorismo não-maçônicas(já que a maçonaria é ela própria uma organização corrupta e sobretudo terrorista) investigavam os financiamentos de certos movimentos comunistas e cripto-comunistas infiltrados no desporto nacional.

Ao invés disso, reprimem ILEGITIMAMENTE a nata da Nação; os Nacionalistas - os que amam a Nação - do Benfica.

Se calhar estão à espera que transformem Lisboa principalmente numa versão 'tuga' de Chicago...
Ou há alguém ingénuo o suficiente para não perceber que o movimento terrorista comunista e cripto-capitalista 'Black Lies Matter' tem aqui ramificações?
Há muita massa por detrás; desde o judeu soros, aos álvaros sobrinhos(ou 'padrinhos'?), até aos cartéis de droga internacionais, etc...

E se o povo Português nativo - os Lusitanos - é diariamente manipulado e não de forma muito difícil, os Negros obviamente são mais facilmente manipulados pelos judeus; tanto mais não seja porque em média têm menos estudos e muito menor média de QI.

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