sábado, 10 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"First pictures of ISIS 'Beatles' in custody: Fears 'British' jihadis who were snared on their way back to Europe disguised as refugees were trying to get home to UK to unleash bloodshed

The first pictures of the remaining ISIS 'Beatles' have been released after the pair were snared on their way back into Europe supposedly disguised as refugees. 
Londoners Alexanda Kotey, 34, and El Shafee Elsheikh, 29, were captured in Syria last month while trying to escape to Turkey, according to Kurdish-led forces.
Their capture comes amid fears they were trying to return intending to bring bloodshed to British streets.
Kotey and Elsheikh are two of four fanatics dubbed 'The Beatles', because of their British accents, whose leader 'Jihadi John' heinously beheaded hostages on camera.
(Alexanda Kotey)
 (El Shafee Elsheikh)

The terrorists, both dual nationals, had been stripped of their British citizenship by the Home Office in a bid to stop them re-entering the UK. 
The future of the final two suspected members of an Islamic State execution group dubbed 'The Beatles' hangs in the balance following their capture in Syria.
Both Kotey and Elsheikh are under guard in the caliphate's former heartland having fallen into the hands of Kurdish militia fighters in January."

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