sábado, 10 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"33 pounds of fentanyl – enough to wipe out Massachusetts – seized in Boston

Boston authorities said they seized more than 33 pounds of fentanyl—enough to kill millions of people—in connection with one of Massachusetts’ biggest drug busts ever.
In announcing the results of a six-month wiretap probe called "Operation High Hopes," prosecutors said the synthetic opioid was being sold on the street by a drug gang with links to Mexico’s notorious Sinaloa Cartel, the drug organization once led by Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.

“Individuals who buy and sell at this level aren’t users,” Conley said. “They’re not small-time dealers, either. They’re certainly not selling to support a habit. They’re trafficking in addictive substances that claim more lives in Massachusetts than all homicides, all suicides, and all car crashes, statewide, combined.”"

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