quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"‘Sanctuary City’ Officials Released Illegal Alien Sex Offender, He Then Brutally Raped A 65-Year-Old Woman
February 14, 2018

PORTLAND, OR (KGW 8 News) – A man with a long criminal history, deported 20 times, was sentenced Friday to 35 years in prison after breaking into a woman’s home last summer.
Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, then sexually assaulted the 65-year-old woman and stole her car. He was arrested after assaulting a second woman and running from police.
Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.
According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.

The new charges Martinez was convicted of include first-degree kidnapping, first-degree robbery (two counts), second-degree assault, first-degree sex abuse, first-degree sodomy and first-degree burglary."

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