quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Illegal Alien Killed Baby Being Rushed To The Hospital In Alcohol-Fueled Crash
February 14, 2018

WINSTON-SALEM, NC (Fox 8 News) — A baby that was injured in a crash involving an ambulance in Winston-Salem has died, according to Winston-Salem police.
Police say 27-year-old Jose Duran Romero crashed a Honda Accord into the side of a Mercedes Lifecare Ambulance on southbound U.S. 52 near Liberty Street around 1:15 a.m. Sunday. Both drivers lost control. The ambulance rolled over on its side and the Honda ran off the road.
Police say Romero’s blood-alcohol content was at more than twice the legal limit and he didn’t have a driver’s license. Federal authorities also believe Romero was in the country illegally.
EMS rushed the baby, the mother and two paramedics inside the ambulance to the hospital. Winston-Salem police said they were notified at 6:05 p.m. Monday that the baby had passed away."

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