terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Activists Against Migrant Violence Towards Women Protest at Berlin Film Festival

Activists from the anti-migrant violence women’s movement 120dB stormed a panel on harassment and violence against women in the film and television industry at the Berlinale film festival holding a banner reading, “the voice of forgotten women.”

The female activists were promptly shouted at and labelled “Nazis” by the crowd of lemmings, xenophiles and zog's whores at the panel who chanted “Nazis out!”
while the women held their banner along with a sign showing a picture of 11-year-old Stockholm terror victim Ebba Akerlund.

Actress Jasmin Tabatabai, who sat on the panel, labelled the women “Nazis” saying: “It was probably neo-Nazis who thought they had to blow up the programme (…) I do not know if it really makes sense to debate with such people.”

Launched last month, the 120dB movement is named after the sound intensity of pocket rape alarms in Germany and elsewhere in Europe which have become more and more common.
European women are now victims of a rape epidemic created artificially by the biological terrorist plan named "Kalergi Plan".
Under the altar of multiculturalism and democracy - the new 'Gods' of occupied Europe(zog) -; European women are being daily sacrificied."

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