terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Australia: Non-Native Tribalism Holds up Appointment of African Crime Taskforce

Disputes between tribesmen from the Nuer and Dinka tribes—originally from the Sudan and Ethiopia—have delayed the setting up of a special taskforce supposed to “deal” with the rampant African gang crime rampaging through Melbourne, Australia,  officials have admitted.

Infighting over positions between the Dinka tribesmen  (originally from the East and West Banks of River Nile, from Mangalla to Renk, regions of Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile, and the Abyei Area in Sudan), and Nuer tribesmen (from the South Sudan and southwestern Ethiopia) has caused a delay in getting the taskforce up and running.
The “African-Australian Community Taskforce” was supposed to help Victoria Police deal with Melbourne’s African gang crime problem, and was announced with great fanfare at the beginning of the month.
However, it is yet to “choose its members because of tribal divisions, according to the chief commissioner” of Police in Victoria."

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