sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Illegal Alien Stabbed Mother Of Five To Death In Missouri

New details are coming to light on the weekend stabbing that may have claimed the life of one woman.
Authorities identfied the suspect in the case as 26-year-old Eliseo Hernandez-Sabastian.
He remains jailed this morning on suspicion of first-degree aggravated assault. It is not known if he is facing formal charges.
Officers say the suspect fled the scene after the stabbing early Saturday morning at Legends sports bar on the North Belt Highway. He was later taken into custody.

Two employees were taken to the hospital with stabbing wounds. The male victim was treated and released, but the female suffered what police described as “very severe” injuries.
Social media posts from friends and family claim the woman, Terra M. Reents, died as a result of her injuries.

“They are saying their goodbyes, and letting her go. Terra was a daughter, a mother a wife and so much more,” one of the posts said."

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