sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Chilling moment killer calmly walks away after stabbing dad Anthony Banting at tram stop

Paranoid schizophrenic Alaeldien Ahmed killed dad-of-four Anthony Banting at a Birmingham tram stop

This is the chilling moment Alaeldien Ahmed walks away after killing innocent father Anthony Banting in an unprovoked attack.
The paranoid schizophrenic attacked the dad-of-four outside the Midland Metro's Soho Benson Road stop on March 31 last year.
He then calmly walks away from the scene, leaving the much-loved family man bleeding to death on the pavement.

Ahmed, 27, from Eva Road, Winson Green, was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter by diminished responsibility, by a jury at Birmingham crown court after a two week trial.
The brutal attack happened at around 4.40pm after 57-year-old Anthony Banting left the tram stop in Winson Green to meet his son at a nearby pub.
As Mr Banting walked towards the tram stop exit, he was approached by Ahmed who then subjected his victim to a violent and sustained assault, stabbing him multiple times.
(Anthony Banting)

(Alaeldien Ahmed)

“His family have been left devastated by the actions of a man he had never met before. In the space of a few minutes, Mr Banting sustained 60 stab wounds. The viciousness and brutally of this attack is deeply shocking.
“We’ll now work with the courts to ensure that the right sentence is handed down to his attacker. 
Ahmed will be sentenced on the 9th March."

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