sábado, 17 de março de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"The U.K. Diversity Horror Show — Multicultural Hospital Costs Aryan Woman 3 Limbs + Fingers & Kidney!
(Magdalena Malec, British mother-of-two, frightful victim of the U.K.’s diversity and multiculturalism program.)

Diversity is the most important thing there is. All sacrifices that need to be made to accomplish it are entirely worth it. And yes, that includes young women losing all their limbs.
What’s a few arms and legs, compared with the incredible opportunity we offer Pakis to work in a British hospital, in spite of the fact that they’re low-IQ primates who are woefully incompetent?
I’m sure this woman is glad to have sacrificed her life for the British government’s policy of replace-the-native-British-population.

(How thoughtful of these nurses to have taped a fork to her stump. This is the kind of patient care you can look forward to, Aryan man.)

Magdalena Malec, 31, had both of her legs amputated after contracting sepsis — the body’s extreme response to an infection — at the Luton and Dunstable University Hospital in Luton, the South West News Service (SWNS) reported.

She also had her right arm and the fingers on her left hand removed, which hospital officials reportedly admit could have been avoided.

According to the news service, it all started in December 2014, when Malec was told she suffered a miscarriage a few weeks after learning she was pregnant with her third child.
After being sent home from the emergency room with painkillers for her heavy bleeding and stomach cramps, Malec reportedly returned to Luton and Dunstable later that month, when she discovered she had an ectopic pregnancy — in which a fertilized egg attaches itself to a cavity outside the uterus — and underwent emergency surgery.

Malec, according to reports, also had to have a kidney transplant.
During recovery, Malec developed ischemia of her limbs — described as a lack of blood supply to certain parts of the body. Her limbs reportedly then developed gangrene and her body tissue died, which Malec said occurred after hospital staff didn’t recognize the warning signs of her sepsis.
Six months later, she had surgery to remove her limbs and returned to the hospital three times a week for dialysis.

“Nothing will restore what I had. I will never paint my nails again, I will never make a ponytail for my daughter,” Malec told The Telegraph. “I do not trust doctors and I am very skeptical about all medical appointments and diagnoses.”

So what is this “Luton and Dunstable University Hospital”?
The news article doesn’t tell us anything about the kind of hospital that would make this sort of monumental fuck-up, so let’s have a look see on the Googles, shall we?

The hospital’s whole website seems geared towards emphasizing how much they value diversity and how non-Aryan their staff is.
These are the types of results you can expect from filling your European hospitals with a non-Aryan staff: infections that could be treated with simple antibiotics end up costing a patient multiple limbs and both kidneys."

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