sábado, 17 de março de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Miami: Multicultural American Engineering Strikes Again, Several Dead Reported
(Another day and another pathetic showing for the United States – note that this was supposed to be a pioneering example of modern engineering.)

What are we supposed to say when any attempt to improve on our crumbling infrastructure ends in an absolutely humiliating catastrophe?
Are we supposed to act surprised?
Are we supposed to ask why something this touted failed in less than a week?
Can we ask if the labor force on this bridge was majority non-Aryan?
Or can we inquire whether the Jew in charge of the University hosting the structure pulled some sort of Mafia stunt with the funding for materials?

Or perhaps the non-Aryan feminists(and lesbians?) who got the job without merit, but based on racial and diversity quotas?"

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