quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Zimbabwe Collapses Beyond Parody as Finance Minister Photographed in Ribbon-cutting Opening Ceremony for Trash Bin

Zimbabwe—already world-famous for having destroyed the prosperous economy and infrastructure inherited from its former Aryan rulers—this summer collapsed beyond parody when its finance minister was photographed in a ribbon-cutting opening ceremony for a trash bin.

According to ZWNews, the ceremony was attended by several government officials and members of the public.
The opening of the bin was “in line with the health ministry’s bid to promote a clean environment in the country following outbreaks of diseases as a result of garbage dumping at undesignated places,” the report said.

This is the result of anti-Aryan racism+egalitarianism+democracy...the glorification of mediocrity in a political comic-tragedy while the people are starving and oppressed.
South Africa and Venezuela are heading this way under marxist politics."

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