quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

#Mee too, #Mee too... Thousands and thousands of Aryan women in Zog-Sweden being raped in the altar of democracy and multiculturalism; and where are you?

#Mee too, #Mee too... Thousands and thousands of Aryan women in Zog-England being raped in the altar of democracy and multiculturalism; and where are you?

#Mee too, #Mee too... Thousands and thousands of Aryan women in Zog-Germany being raped in the altar of democracy and multiculturalism; and where are you?

#Mee too, #Mee too... Thousands and thousands of Aryan women in Zog-USA being raped in the altar of democracy and multiculturalism; and where are you?

#Mee too, #Mee too... You cannot speak about this, because you would have to name the Jew…

#Mee too, #Mee too... You are nothing more than controlled opposition of the 'jewtrix', and that is the real Truth… 

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