quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"More than one-third of Swedish girls subjected to sex offences in 2017 – Official report 

As we reported yesterday, the number of men committing sexual offences against women in Sweden has drastically increased. 

The official statistics of the National Security Survey (NTU) from the Swedish Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) show a very worrying trend for Swedish girls and young women.

In 2006, 2.5 per cent of all women reported that men had commit sexual offences toward them.

But since 2013 there has been a large surge in the number of cases with now 10.7 per cent of women who say that men have commit a sexual offence against them.

After specifying the groups, a much more worrying statistic is revealed. Young women in the 16-24 age category have seen a massive increase in sexual harassment by men, the Brå report shows.

The number of sexual offences against this group has seen a surge from 7.1 percent in 2006 to 34.4 percent in 2017."

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