sábado, 24 de novembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Democracy is nothing more than a massive dogma, financed by the charlatans of the shoah...
Israel to jews but France to everyone, is the illegitimate zog order to make your native blood and culture forever gone…

Fake-media and democratic propaganda corrupts your soul and makes your mind becoming sick... So you must be a Noble Wolf and not a fucking sheep...and the next revolution will not be masonic-jewish, but Gaulish Celtic…

Do not let Dominique Venner's death be in vain; because he hurt himself for a higher Noble purpose: to free the Celtic Gaulish spirit from zog's pain…

Celtic people and jewish people have antagonistic values and cultures; and if they live in the same territory will be not the reign of French's Wolves and Eagles, but of the Asian merchants rats and vultures…
-999NS POETRY999

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