sábado, 24 de novembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

You should be ashamed of yourself; when you preach about rotten peace while helping islamic terrorists in Syria making in the Middle East one more political-social mess…

You should be ashamed of using the lives of Gaulish Soldiers for jew's drugs and oil, and not for Gaulish Blood and Soil, making them puppets in globalists wars for Israel; and not even give the Gaulish population benefits related to the price of the fucking fuel…

You should be ashamed of speaking about "racism" and "extremism", with mind-games to install irrational feelings of guilt over the Gaulish people, when you are a butler of the internacional jew who with his movement "zionism" combines jewish racism+jewish extremism... Or do you want to convince the French goyim that you don't know what really consists zionism?

You should be ashamed of portraying yourself as friend of the Gaulish police, when you subsidize and finance with Gaulish tax-money the importation and reproduction of present and future antifa/blm/islamic movements which inevitably will make Gaulish police their daily target; while you're selling France to Rothschilds like if it is was some kind of product in some kind of market…

You should be ashamed 24 hours a day of who you are: a filthy liar and a fucking traitor... But you do not have 
self-shame... Because in a democracy, there is nothing more impure than the world of politics and fame…

Pour vous macron, il n'y aura pas de pardon...
Avec "leaderless resistance", nous atteindrons plus d'un million…
No aux maçon! Oui à la Nation!
-999NS POETRY999

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