sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Democracy splits the Native people and after that destroys National power... Without National-Culture arise parlamentarism; a progressive kind of castle with no Native lord, no walls, no gate, and no tower... A ruled people without sense of belonging and National-purpose, easily deceived by the democratic politician, becomes slave in it's own land, while in the fake-media is praised a new archetype of modern man - the traitor, the faggot and the coward… The abyss is right there, and we all should imitate without questions and just move foward!

Lowering the level of the masculine archetype to a shameful mediocrity, in order to destroy the conception of excelency while advocate it's opposite - equality!
Because a strong and Noble people would not accept to be ruled by weak and bourgeois lowering drastically the level of quality of the so-called "elites", you lower also the level of National-expectations and 
National-exigency - all by design in the filthy minds of the masonry…

The democratic-left and soft-right spreading liberalism...
The hardline conservatives and reactionaries christians spreading dogmatic puritanism…
They both call us - NS Celticism - "radicals", "fanatics", "extremists" and other names of sort... All empty words used for the same excuse; they cannot refute when we say "if we are all the same, the concept of human beauty could not exist, and therefore, no woman could be a muse…"
-999NS POETRY999

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