sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2021

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

“Our opponents accuse us National Socialists, and me in particular, of being intolerant, controversial people. They say we don't want to work with other parties, and a German national politician [Alfred Hugenberg] takes this further by saying that National Socialists are not at all Patriots because they refuse to work with other parties. So it's typically Patriotic to have 30 parties!? The Fatherland broken into 30 parties? Is that what Patriotism is? I have to admit one thing here, these gentlemen are completely right, we are indeed intolerant, I have given myself an objective, namely to sweep these 30 parties out of Germany. They always take me for a bourgeois, liberal or a marxist politician. Today I'm from the SPD, tomorrow from the USPD, and the day after tomorrow from the KPD, and then from the Union Party, or today from the Democrats and tomorrow from the Economic Party, they take us for one of them! We have a goal and we will follow it fanatically, which is to end all democratic parties!"
-Adolf Hitler

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