Marxism isn't even Socialism, it is really the opposite of true Socialism, as rather than uniting the Nation, it encourages class warfare,
multiculturalism, the battle of the sexes and other things which spilt the nation apart and turn everyone into self centered individuals, who live only to "enjoy" themselves and pursue instant gratification, which creates a nation of consumers which the capitalists can prey on easily.
And as far as their protests against the government go, they will only touch on the symptoms such as austerity cuts and will never mention usury and the Jews, the root cause of the problem. Also they deny the existence of race, which is a reality which any true Socialist movement will have to accept.
And like the reactionary right, they fail to see that it is the government as a whole, and those who pay them, that are the problem, and not just a few politicians.
True Socialism and Nationalism go hand in hand.
multiculturalism, the battle of the sexes and other things which spilt the nation apart and turn everyone into self centered individuals, who live only to "enjoy" themselves and pursue instant gratification, which creates a nation of consumers which the capitalists can prey on easily.
And as far as their protests against the government go, they will only touch on the symptoms such as austerity cuts and will never mention usury and the Jews, the root cause of the problem. Also they deny the existence of race, which is a reality which any true Socialist movement will have to accept.
And like the reactionary right, they fail to see that it is the government as a whole, and those who pay them, that are the problem, and not just a few politicians.
True Socialism and Nationalism go hand in hand.

Um comentário:
também já tinha reparado que a maioria dos marxistas, ao criticar e vociferar contra o capitalismo, raramente referem a usura. obviamente que há excepções, mas...
e os judeus é a mesma coisa. uma pequena minoria dos marxistas pode falar deles, mas a maioria cala-se bem caladinha sobre isso.
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