"Through the racial question alone, i.e. through the eternal laws of blood, of type, of nature, we can understand life and history.
The Folkish Movement is the first political consequence of the more recent findings of science. National-Socialism deliberately places race at the center of political thought. Blood and Soil are the two most important foundations of life. “Blood” and”soil” are however not material, but the highest ideals.
...blood and soil are eternal and holy values. For eternal is the bloodline which manifests itself from the past through the present into the most distant future. And eternal too is the soil, hallowed by the blood poured forth in its defense. These highest core-values place a great obligation upon us: remember that you are a progenitor!
Only a people that observes the eternal laws of the preservation of the type, that believes in its own racial strength, has a future!”
Only a people that observes the eternal laws of the preservation of the type, that believes in its own racial strength, has a future!”
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