Mensagem+Imagens do dia.
"Is it true that today, at least in all highly organized (typically “modern”) countries, nearly everybody can read and write. But what of that? To be able to read and write is an advantage and a considerable one. But it is not a virtue. It is a tool and a weapon; a means to an end; a very useful thing, no doubt; but not an end in itself. The ultimate value of literacy depends upon the end which it is used. And to what end is it generally used today? It is used for convenience and for entertainment, and by those who read; for advertisement or objectionable propaganda, for money-making or power grabbing, by those who write; sometimes, of course, by both for acquiring or spreading disinterested knowledge of a few things worth knowing; for finding expression of, or giving expression to, the few deep feelings that can lift a man to the awareness of things eternal, but not more often so than in the days in which one man out of ten thousand could understand the symbolism of the written word."
-Savitri Devi
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