"Shameless ‘French’ family-of-10 demand MANSION: Benefits dad rejects 5-bed as ‘too cramped’
A JOBLESS couple with eight children turned down a five-bed home on the taxpayer – insisting they needed a house with six doubles.
Arnold and Jeanne Sube, originally from Cameroon in west Africa, live in a three-bed semi costing the state more than £15,000 a year.
But when Luton council came up with the extra two bedrooms, the couple insisted the house on offer was still not big enough.
Student Mr Sube, 33, moved his family to Britain from Paris four years ago. He has children aged from three months to 16.
The oldest is Mejane, followed by Fabian and Analia, both 13, ten-year-old Prosper, nine-year old Dylan, six-year-old twins Sharon and Stacy and the youngest, Mary.
They live in Bletchley, Beds, in a home that boasts a large flat-screen TV with Sky HD, plus a TV and X-Box console in the children’s rooms.
The larger home offered to them is in nearby Luton. Mr Sube, who studies mental health nursing at the University of Bedfordshire, rejected it because there “wasn’t space for the things of ten people”.
He added: “Me and my family have been neglected. We are in a three-bedroom house. It’s so cramped and the conditions are terrible.
“The council is trying to make things hard for us. My wife is a full-time mother and I am a student. “They’re just making excuses. We need a five or six-bedroom house with double rooms to comfortably fit in. "
Notas pessoais:
Este é apenas um exemplo de parasitagem dos muitos de dezenas de milhares(com tendência a aumentar consoante a democracia dura) que ocorrem...
Quando se nega o direito aos nativos de terem filhos seja por exploração laboral, confisco de rendimento pornográfico, desemprego crónico, recibos verdes, endividamento individual brutal através do zog, escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais nas suas propriedades privadas, etc; e ao mesmo tempo vai-se buscar parte do dinheiro confiscado/roubado dos nativos para subsidiar não-nativos; é portanto FACTUAL e IRREFUTÁVEL a afirmação que a democracia consiste na aplicação de racismo anti-nativo.
Se a constituição democrática proíbe o racismo, estamos perante um paradoxo legal!
Apenas mais um no meio de tantos numa merdocracia...
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