domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2020

Betyársereg - The National opposition to (((liberalism))).

"Betyársereg, the Radical-Nationalists and the Native peoples' militia loved by the Hungarian people

Betyársereg is a Radical-Nationalist movement who claims to be the voice of the Aryan Hungarians who do not feel their interests are well defended in the current democracy.

Faggots, junkies and jews are not allowed in their movement. They stand for honor, justice, truth, and strength of body, mind and spirit.

Often defamed by the (((media))), they often respond: "We never robbed, lied, and betrayed the Hungarian people. Can all those scum who defame us, truthfully claim the same?"

When non-native rapists and thieves are targeting the Native Hungarians - mostly women, children and elders -, they organized and with direct-action over the kalergi's hordes they unleash popular justice. The people do not care the (((media))) call them "violents", because the people see they are in the frontline to protect them from hostile foreigners.

They already have various 'nests' all over the Hungarian Nation where they teach martial arts to the youth, help the poors with food and assistance, so the 
national-communities do not fall in to the disgrace of 
cultural-marxism, artificial and non-healthy multiculturalism, and drug abuse.

Like an Aryan proverb says:
"Extreme problems require extreme solutions."

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