Persecution of the Radical Nationalists to apease the liberals and the traitors inside the GOP... And now what are you getting? A society where everyone hates the cop...
You are both the villain portrayed by the fake-media, and of the international drug-cartels their favorite mock... Selling your soul in the past to zog, is now chasing you, like a punishment of God...
And the military subverted by zog where were they in the past? Killing the Germans to protect the jews, killing the Serbs to protect the muslims, and arming the
African-marxists guerrillas to kill the Lusitanians in the Ultramar... And now what are you getting? Afro-marxists, jews and muslims are burning your country to the ground... You called us in the past of being "hateful"; but it is your kind of love(?) who is empty, shallow, and have no real bond...
African-marxists guerrillas to kill the Lusitanians in the Ultramar... And now what are you getting? Afro-marxists, jews and muslims are burning your country to the ground... You called us in the past of being "hateful"; but it is your kind of love(?) who is empty, shallow, and have no real bond...
Love is to protect what is yours - your Race, your Ethnicity, your Nation - no matter what! It is to choose solitude if necessary, if the stupid democratic masses are swallowing the daily fake-media crap... And no; voting won't saving you... As we always said, and say... Your National-Salvation, will come only with the Truth...
Democratic concept is based in the anti-natural,
anti-scientific and anti-evidence "human equality" - and this statement, is nothing than a bunch of lies!
You only need to respect Nature again; for it show us everyday...that Eagles...are not equal to flies...
-999NS POETRY999
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