In recent days, there has been a serious ups and downs in the news that a book for children has been published in Hungary promoting sexual deviance. Dúró Dóra, who destroyed a copy of that publication in protest, responded to the outrageous incident, among others. Since the video was published, she has been receiving thousands of offensive, obscure messages and comments and life-threatening threats. But not only she, but also Edda Budaházy and Eszter Schittl, who also spoke on the case, were targeted by aggressive left-liberals. Moreover, all the latter lady did was take the liberty of collecting against the distribution of such publications, for which the champions of (so-called)tolerance wished her death directly and the abuse of her family members.
For all these reasons, the Army of Betyársereg, the Sixty-Four County Youth Movement and the Legion Hungaria have decided to stand together alongside the three ladies, Edda Budaházy, Dúró Dora and Eszter Schittl, and send a message to all those who want to lynch Hungarian mothers with four children to think well before they do something like this, because they will face hardened, Aryan, heterosexual men.
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