sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2021

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Zimbabwe: Locals Attack Chinese Mine Workers with ‘Crowbars, Picks and Shovels’

Local artisanal miners assaulted Chinese nationals operating a gold mine in east Zimbabwe with crowbars and shovels this week, leaving them with serious injuries, New Zimbabwe reported on Thursday.

“One of the Chinese is reported to have sustained broken ribs while the other one lost a finger as he tried to block his face from a shovel attack,” the newspaper revealed, adding that the physical state of two additional Chinese nationals involved in the incident remains unknown."

Notas pessoais:

  1. Qual vai ser agora a narrativa democrática? Foram actos de racismo? Foram actos de xenofobia? Sim, ou não? Se não, explicar porquê...
  2. De que lado vão ficar as organizações (pseudo)anti-racistas? Do lado dos Negros, ou do lado dos Chineses?
  3. "Chinese Lives Matter"? Ou aí já não?
A realidade supera a demagogia democrática...
NACIONAL REVOLUCIONÁRIO: Notícia+Imagens do dia. (omsilanoican.blogspot.com)

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