sábado, 26 de março de 2022

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Why Conservatives Can’t Win

For conservatives cannot possibly emerge victorious from the life-or-death struggle in which they are presently engaged. Although their opponents on the radical left may not attain their own goals – indeed, cannot attain them, because they are based on an erroneous conception of man and Nature – conservatives have proved themselves utterly incapable of preventing the destruction of their own world by those same radical leftists.

Revolutionary Advantage

Conservatives cannot win because the enemy to which they are opposed is a revolutionary enemy – an enemy with revolutionary goals and guided by a revolutionary way of life.

The advantage has always lain – and will always lie – on the side of the contender who is prepared to take the offensive, rather than maintaining a defensive position only. 

Some of the conservative’s goals may seem reasonable enough – and attainable. The leftist’s goals, on the other hand, lie in a never-never land far beyond the horizon of reality. And that is precisely what gives the advantage to the left. When the conservative makes some minor gain – getting a conservative into office – he is likely to act as if he had just won the whole war. He sees the achievement of his aims just around the corner, he lowers his guard, and he settles back to enjoy the fruits of his imagined victory. But the leftist is never satisfied, regardless of what concessions are made to his side, for his goals always remain as remote as before.

If the leftist makes new demands – for example, for the forced racial integration of schools or housing – the conservative will oppose them with a plea to maintain “neighborhood” schools and “freedom of association.” When the smoke clears, the leftist will have won perhaps half what he demanded, and the conservative will have lost half what he tried to preserve.

But then the conservative will accept the new status quo, as if things had always been that way, and prepare to defend it against fresh attacks from the left with the same ineptitude he displayed in defending the old position.

This continually shifting position is almost as great a disadvantage to the conservative as is his chronic inability to grasp the initiative. The revolutionary left has an ideology, evil and unnatural though it may be, and from this ideology come the unity and the continuity of purpose which are indispensable prerequisites for victory.

What can conservatives, on the other hand, look to as a fighting credo, an immutable principle for which they are willing to sacrifice all? They have been retreating so rapidly for the last 50 years or so that they have completely lost sight of the earlier ground on which they stood. It has simply receded over the ideological horizon.

In the words of an outstanding anti-communist leader: “The lack of a great, creative idea always signifies a limitation of fighting ability. A firm conviction of the right to use each and any weapon is always bound up with a fanatical belief in the necessity of the victory of a revolutionary new order on this earth.”

“A movement which is not fighting for such ultimate goals and ideas will never seize upon the ultimate weapon” … and, needles to say, will never emerge victorious from a struggle with an opponent who is so motivated.

Revolutionary vs. Revolutionary

Though conservatism cannot win against the left, a new revolutionary force, with the spiritual basis that conservatism lacks, and advancing with even more boldness and determination than the forces of the left, can winThat new revolutionary force is being built now. Its ranks are being filled with disciplined, idealistic young men and women.

A New Order

They are fighting for a new order, based not on the fads and whims of the moment, but on the fundamental values of race and personality – values which once led Western man to the mastery of the earth and which can yet regain that mastery for him and lead him on to the conquest of the universe.

They know that the time is long past when conservative rhetoric or conservative votes might have saved the day. They understand that the West’s salvation must now come from young men and women of revolutionary spirit and outlook who are through just talking and instead are willing to do whatever is necessary to take back their Nation."
-William Pierce

quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Treat me like a king, and I will treat like a queen...
With no abrahamic religions and their dogmas and retarded concepts of (so-called)sin... Be my goddess, but also my private whore... Absolutely submissive to me, so I can love you even more... A lot of orgasms and a lot of poetry... So when I leave you, I will be total inspired to kill thousands of neo-bolsheviks in massive ecstasy...

Severoth - Срібні зорі весни

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Ukrainians fighting like modern Spartans in Mariupol... Slavic warriors answering to the Divine call... 
Neo-bolsheviks killing innocent civilians without honor or remorse... Feeding the spirit of National revenge, which vastly increase the spirit of resilience and its force... If you complain about the radicalism of the present generation of Ukrainians, just expect the next one - an Ukrainian child who saw his father killed by neo-bolsheviks, or an Ukrainian mother who had lost his son... They will live under a sole purpose, to make in their sacred land, neo-bolshevism forever gone... Like Werewolf guerillas with Divine fury in their eyes, like a pack of Divine beasts, rising under the moon inside a mystic fog... Divine reapers carrying Justice and Revenge, under the command of God...

sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Race is a primary identity out of which culture comes, and without which you can’t sustain a civilization, but I personally believe that it is the going up from that which is rooted and that which is physical, that life is really about."
-Jonathan Bowden

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2022

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Moments of peace, and moments of war... Sometimes you are close, and sometimes you are far... But nevertheless, you are always present in my mind... Biologically and spiritually, we are of the same kind... I'm fighting for you, I'm killing for you... I'm full of Divine love, but also full of Divine hate...and I know, you are too... We are the same type my dear... Vengeful type who overcomes the fear... You are the Nation's sacred cradle of life... And before any invader
neo-bolshevik tries to rape you in your own Nation, I will cut his dick and throat with my knife...

sexta-feira, 4 de março de 2022

Nem de propósito...

"Venezuela. Maduro aumenta em mais de 1.700% salário mínimo

O político marxista explicou que o país vai ter "um plano de recuperação do salário mínimo nacional, de todas as tabelas salariais e contratos coletivos, de forma sustentável, controlando a inflação para que esta não dispare, controlando a taxa de câmbio e gerindo as coisas e chegou o momento".

Nicolás Maduro pediu ao ministro do Petróleo da Venezuela, Tareck El Aissami, que nas próximas 72 horas apresente propostas para criar o Banco dos Trabalhadores Digital. De acordo com a página 'online' do Banco de Venezuela, a cotação da criptomoeda local Petro é de 252,64 BsD (52,35 euros), pelo que o novo salário mínimo dos venezuelanos é equivalente a 26,275 euros.

Segundo o Banco Central da Venezuela, no ano passado, o país registou 686,4% de inflação, mas especialistas internacionais apontam para valores muito mais altos do que os assumidos pelo governo marxista/comunista.
Tomar um café na Venezuela custa à volta de 1,20 euros. Comprar um quilograma de queijo amarelo custa entre 15,42 e 19,05 euros, o quilograma de fiambre mais de 10 euros. Uma caixa de uma dúzia de ovos custa aproximadamente três euros e meio quilograma de massa 1,5 euros."