"When the forces of pure evil are recognized, the forces of Good began to organize themselves in every corner of the World."
-Radical Nationalism
Não são aceites comentários que usem a mentira como contra-argumentação.
Aceito qualquer debate, desde que se fale verdade.
Isto não é um blog democrata, nem nenhuma juventude partidária democrata onde se treina desde cedo o uso da mentira como retórica política para enganar os Portugueses.
Aqui reina a verdade, não a mentira.
ResponderExcluirFazem cenas destas durante décadas sobres os Palestinianos e agora queixam-se que os Nacionalistas Radicais Palestinianos parecem possuídos em combate e que andam literalmente arrancar cabeças e mãos dos judeus.
Quem semeia ventos, colhe tempestades.
E agora andam os judeus a chorar todos a dizer que vão perder centenas de milhões em turismo, porque ninguém vai querer visitar Israel nas próximas décadas com medo.
ResponderExcluirDurante décadas foderam-nos as principais cidades Europeias à pala do Plano Kalergi, fizerem-nos perder largos milhões devido ao clima de insegurança, sujeira e degradação criado pelas suas hordas kalergianas.
Paris o caso mais palpável, outrora a joia da Europa em turismo, hoje uma espécie de versão mais chique da actual cidade de Chicago.
Agora vão provar do mesmo veneno...
O turismo deles vai levar um rombo de largos milhões nas próximas décadas.
Entretanto o preço do barril de petróleo vai disparar...
ResponderExcluirOs cidadãos Europeus e cidadãos Americanos que optarem por continuarem apoiar Israel preparem-se para sentirem na carteira o enorme custo das consequências das suas erradas decisões.
"Entretanto o preço do barril de petróleo vai disparar...
ResponderExcluirOs cidadãos Europeus e cidadãos Americanos que optarem por continuarem apoiar Israel preparem-se para sentirem na carteira o enorme custo das consequências das suas erradas decisões."
Portanto, vai ser mais uma crise global com alto impacto financeiro e económico em cima das já existentes crises económicas e financeiras...
O que por sua vez vai criar ainda mais forte descontentamento e contestação social com os actuais regimes na Europa de esquerda e direitinha incapazes de apresentar soluções válidas para as suas populações.
É isso, não é?
AQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2020/11/ntns-economic-and-financial-lesson.html
ResponderExcluirIndian stupid goyims...
ResponderExcluirAqueles que na ONU defenderam no passado a criação artificial do Estado do Kosovo jamais terão agora legitimidade e credibilidade para negarem a criação de um Estado Palestiniano de forma a resolver o conflicto que é já regional e que está muito próximo de ser global.
ResponderExcluirEstamos muito atentos...
Aqueles que na ONU defenderam no passado a criação artificial do Estado do Kosovo jamais terão agora legitimidade e credibilidade para negarem a criação de um Estado Palestiniano de forma a resolver o conflicto que é já regional e que está muito próximo de ser global.
ResponderExcluirEstamos muito atentos...
Espero que os Nacionalistas Radicais Sérvios percebam as peças que se estão a mover no xadrez global.
A hora da vingança sobre os sionistas e aquilo que eles vos fizeram no passado está a chegar...
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called for a two state solution to end the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
ResponderExcluirErdogan calls for a two state solution
ResponderExcluirEuropean Radical Nationalists all over Europe are calling for a two state solution.
ResponderExcluirAmerican Radical Nationalists are calling for a two state solution.
ResponderExcluirFootball Ultras all over Europe are calling for a two state solution.
ResponderExcluirGerman Radical Nationalists are saying that denying the creation of a State for the Palestinians is anti-semitism and a violation of "Human Rights".
ResponderExcluirMore jewish terrorism and genocide over other people around the globe.
Arab League chief:
ResponderExcluirIf Israel does not change its position, this war will not be the last.
The Zionist disinfo agenda has a divide and conquer strategy.
ResponderExcluirInstead of saying Palestine, they say Gaza.
And instead of saying Gaza, they say Hamas.
They want to minimize the Palestinians to hide the scale of their genocide.
Don't fall for their word games.
"The Zionist disinfo agenda has a divide and conquer strategy.
ResponderExcluirInstead of saying Palestine, they say Gaza.
And instead of saying Gaza, they say Hamas.
They want to minimize the Palestinians to hide the scale of their genocide.
Don't fall for their word games."
E sejam Árabes, Europeus, Japoneses, Chineses, Coreanos, Ameríndios, etc, somos todos "goyim" para eles.
E basta ler o que diz o talmud e até mesmo a torah sobre os "goyim".
Os goyim Negros e goyim Indianos é que gostam muito de fazerem de idiotas útéis dos judeus e aliarem-se a estes quando eles também são goyim.
ResponderExcluirJews do not respect Muslims, nor Christians, nor Hindus, nor Buddhists, nor Shintoists, nor Arianist Pagans.
ResponderExcluirWhat Israel has done to Palestine is what the liberal-jewish global elite plan to do to the entire 🌎
ResponderExcluir1. Lock the population down in localized ghettos
2. Restrict movement w/ checkpoints
3. Limit food, water, medicine to punish disobedience
Palestine's resistance represents us all.
Saudi Arabia ends "all negotiations" on normalisation with Israel.
ResponderExcluirSaudi Arabia has informed the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, that it is "ending all negotiations" on normalising relations with Israel, reports the Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post, echoed by the Saudi media outlet The Saudi Post, published in the United States.
ResponderExcluirDo not believe the (((fake-media)))
"He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies”. Those who do not realise the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a handing in helping truth to prevail."
ResponderExcluir-Adolf Hitler
"They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
ResponderExcluir-George Washington, American founding father
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
ResponderExcluir-Thomas Jefferson, American statesman and founding father
"There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated; they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain.
ResponderExcluirIf they are not expelled from the United States by the Constitution within less than one hundred years, they will stream into this country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded within two hundred years, our children will be working in the field to feed Jews while they remain in the counting houses, gleefully rubbing their hands.
I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children and your children’s children will curse you in their graves. Their ideas are not those of Americans, even when they lived among us for ten generations. They should be excluded by the Constitution."
-Benjamin Franklin, American founding father
ResponderExcluirAn important announcement by the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, on Al Jazeera satellite channel
ResponderExcluirAbu Obeida:
We have decided to put an end to this. From this hour on, we announce that every targeting of our safe people will be met with the execution of one of our enemy hostages, and we will broadcast this with audio and video,
The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morals, and we will address him in the language he knows
No fundo ele está a colocar a bola do lado dos judeus:
ResponderExcluirOpção A) Param com o terrorismo sobre nós e os prisioneiros vivem.
Opção B) Continuam com o terrorismo sobre nós e iremos ripostar com terror sobre vocês. A única linguagem que vocês parecem entender...
Portanto é uma decisão 100% de livre-arbítrio dos judeus.
Se eles escolherem a decisão errada, serão eles 100% responsáveis pelos acontecimentos seguintes.
ResponderExcluirThe Jews, with this authentic massacre of civilians, schools, hospitals, private homes, are managing to unite not only the entire Arab world against them but even people of the most varied ethnicities and races across the globe.
ResponderExcluirThis will have a domino effect that the Jews are not calculating very well...
1- The Jews have created and are creating a regional and global problem.
ResponderExcluir2- After a problem always comes a solution.
3- The solution of creating two states will be a demand from the main regional powers, the main global players and even the masses.
4- Jews will become increasingly surrounded and politically isolated globally.
5- The pressure will be immense and will come from all corners of the world.
6- Their brands and stores will be the target of boycotts -perhaps violence - around the world.
7- Crypto-Jewish politicians, crypto-Jewish journalists, etc, will all begin to be identified by the population itself.
8- Divine Justice will fall over them.
The EU's plan to suspend all financial aid to the Palestinian Authority has been blocked by 4 EU states:
A heartfelt thank you to the Spanish Celts, the Irish Celts, the Danish Vikings and the giant Celto-Lusitanian community in Luxembourg for the pressure they exerted.
ResponderExcluirThe jews are corrupting your sons and daughters.
Or you love your sons and daughters.
Or you love the jews.
But you can't love both.
Humans are being tested by God and Gods.
ResponderExcluirTheir love and their character will be revealed true or false.
Arianist Pagans
You are all being put to the test.
Human Rights Watch: The International Criminal Court should take note that the statements of the Israeli Defense Minister are an invitation to commit a war crime
ResponderExcluirThe Jews who spent decades inflaming third worldists against Europeans and still do so today through series, films, antifa, (((democratic))) parties, fake media and the like...
Where are you UN parrots who spent decades criticizing the English, Dutch, French and Portuguese and publicly and worldwide demonizing them?
Why don't they criticize the Jews?
Why aren't resolutions adopted against the Jews?
After all, are they against "colonialism" or not?
Multiculturalism for American goyim
ResponderExcluirNationalism for Jews in Israel.
Thank you American cuckolds.
Each day that passes and I continue to live is like a daily spit on the graves of your founding Fathers, who warned you of the dangers that the Jews were to your country.
You made a revolution for independence for freedom and because you didn't want to pay 3% taxes for the tea, and now you pay more than 30% taxes - and this is just direct taxes, much more with indirect taxes - to be slaves in your own land of the Jews .
Thank you American cuckolds!
Israeli soldiers cut off the water supply to Gaza, what is a war crime.
ResponderExcluirAnybody will bring Netanyahu to The Hague now?
Or democracy is not "the rule of law"?
“Under the Rome Statute, intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival such as drinking water supplies and the intentional poisoning of water are recognized as war crimes.”
We want to thank our martyr Jeffrey Epstein for allowing us to rape minor American girls for decades.
ResponderExcluirNone of us have been arrested yet despite raping your children American cucks!
Your sons are being bullied in schools by so-called minorities, and your daughters are being raped by so-called minorities.
ResponderExcluirNever forget that we were the ones who opened your borders, promoted multiculturalism, the feeling of guilt in several generations of Americans, and a whole panoply of media content in order to demoralize you so that you can be more easily conquered and humiliated...
Jews everyday on twitter:
ResponderExcluir“White supremacy”
“White privilege”
“White fragility”
Jews once Arabs attack them:
“Help, White people!!!”
ResponderExcluirWhile Zionist led wars destabilise the Middle East, Israeli NGO's facilitate sending refugees to Europe.
ResponderExcluirNationalists who oppose both mass-immigration and wars for Israel are silenced at the behest of Zionist organisations like the ADL.
They are replaced by Zionist talking heads like Tommy Robinson who redirect their opposition to multiculturalism toward support for Zionism and "western liberal values".
There is only one winner in all of this.
Entretanto o Netanyahu está a tentar convencer os goyim Americanos do Pentágono que é perfeitamente possível os EUA em simultâneo estarem em 3 frentes de guerra:
ResponderExcluirUcrânia+Médio Oriente e caso se metam numa encrenca no Médio Oriente a China vai avançar logo para cima de Taiwan, e portanto seriam 3 frentes de guerra.
Isto tudo com uma economia a colapsar, e com uma sociedade multicultural e multirracial que é um autêntico barril de pólvora prestes a explodir e que está colado a cuspe. E a única coisa que ainda cola aquilo é um razoável nível de vida, nível de vida esse que se está cada vez mais a detiorar...
AQUI ---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2021/02/noticiaimagens-do-dia_27.html
AQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2020/10/nao-acordem-para-realidade-que-nao.html
AQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2023/10/nem-de-proposito.html
We are just asking our American slaves, arghrr...forgiveness...our American ALLIES to once again risk their lives for us, in an unprecedented war in the Middle East, in which they will have no benefit, and quite the opposite, it would probably be the beginning of total ruin like a house of cards falling with the breath of reality.
ResponderExcluirMake a list of all the good things we have done for you.
And just look at what your country was, and what we transformed it into.
The quality of life...
The racial harmony...
Trustful society...
Trustful institutions...
Low debt...
Low taxes...
Zero degeneracy...
The political credibility all over the world...
Tell me if we don't deserve that you send your sons and daughters to die for us - AGAIN - and that you spend trillions of dollars - AGAIN - that will cause mega-inflation and that will fuck up your economy without precedent.
If our facilities will be targeted by Islamists in future, remember and never forget how we treated you police officers, during the "activism" (euphemism for domestic terrorism) by Antifa and BLM.
ResponderExcluirHow we demonize you, publicly lynch you, manipulate images, incite so-called minorities to attack you, set fire to your vehicles, and even to kill you.
Be a good cuck and run for our cries of help!
"If our facilities will be targeted by Islamists in future, remember and never forget how we treated you police officers, during the "activism" (euphemism for domestic terrorism) by Antifa and BLM.
ResponderExcluirHow we demonize you, publicly lynch you, manipulate images, incite so-called minorities to attack you, set fire to your vehicles, and even to kill you.
Be a good cuck and run for our cries of help!"
ResponderExcluirHello fellow white men!
ResponderExcluirDon't you want to go and die for us Jews in another war?
Fight for “democratic” values:
Where an individual we call an "Islamic terrorist" is worth as much as you at the polls, because "we are all the same", but at the same time we are the "chosen people" and all the others - like you - are goyims, but neverthless "we are all equal" , but also let's celebrate "diversity".
As you can see we are sooooooooo rational!
Truly a divine consciousness!
Has anyone seen my drugs? I can't sleep without them and I start to cry if i don't have It because I'm addicted to anti-depresives like a fucking junkie! That's how "strong" psychologically I am and that's why I have complete morality to be your "archetype" and mentor!
ResponderExcluirFurthermore, as the great philosopher that I am, I advise everyone to question everything; EXCEPT the official narrative of the Holocaust, who was responsible for the Holodomor, who opened our borders, who controls fake media, who funded Feminism, who funded Cultural-Marxism, who forced vaccination on the population, who owned these companies, etc, etc...
Won't you start putting the pieces of the puzzle together, shitty American goyims, and realize that I am a grifter of the false controlled right-wing jewtrix opposition who have enriched and continue to enrich at the expense of manipulating and lying to you all every single day...
Omani Foreign Minister: The current escalation must be stopped and the two-state solution must be implemented.
ResponderExcluir🚨 BREAKING: Amnesty International statement - "Imposing a blockade on Gaza is collective punishment and a war crime"
ResponderExcluirNew zog bathrooms for your wives, girfriends, sisters and daughters
The people who called Putin a War Criminal are now the same people defending Israel bombing entire Gaza civilian neighborhoods.
ResponderExcluirUkrainians=Victims of the Chabad Jewish mafia that supports Putin.
ResponderExcluirPalestinians=Victims of the main "headquarters" of international Zionism aka Israel.
It is time for Ukrainians and Palestinians to realize the big picture.
"Ukrainians=Victims of the Chabad Jewish mafia that supports Putin.
ResponderExcluirPalestinians=Victims of the main "headquarters" of international Zionism aka Israel.
It is time for Ukrainians and Palestinians to realize the big picture."
AQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2015/06/mensagemimagem-do-dia_14.html
The Egyptian President has stated:
ResponderExcluir"The current escalation is very dangerous and has repercussions that may affect the security and stability of the region"
"Egypt hopes to solve the Palestinian issue through negotiations that lead to peace and the establishment of a Palestinian state"
We Jews who killed tens of millions of Russians when we carried out the communist coup.
ResponderExcluirWe Jews who killed more than 7 million Ukrainians in the Holodomor.
We Jews who killed around 3.5 million Germans in concentration camps in post-occupied territory after the Second World War.
We Jews who were responsible for the deaths of millions in the former Portuguese overseas territory through our proxies, as the result of the civil wars that ensued after we undermined the Portuguese empire from within and then we used its former colonies for diamond trafficking and collecting human organs from Black people en masse to sell them at high prices on the black market.
We Jews who put the Balkans in a real gunpowder barrel with the objective to create the artificial narco-state of Kosovo, from where we sent large quantities of cocaine and heroin - more this - to the center of Europe, thus enriching ourselves in many many many millions at the cost of total misfortune of Europeans.
We Jews who carried out a false-flage attack on the Word Trade Center resulting in many thousands of Americans deaths, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East as a result of the wars that were fought there after we used the Americans as useful idiots under the pretext of a supposed war "against international Islamic terrorism".
We Jews who genocide large millions of Europeans and Americans through the Kalergi plan.
Understand that we are good and honorable people who are just incapable of killing a few dozen of our own babies and beheading them to creat an Hollywood-fictional-scenario to blame Hamas.
Trust us goyim!
ResponderExcluirOs soldados da Palestina não matam inocentes à toa.
Poupam as mulheres - excepto as mulheres SOLDADOS do IDF que são combatentes de guerra - e crianças.
E decapitaram sim, mas SOLDADOS HOMENS Israelitas, e apenas estes.
Essa treta de decapitarem bebés é mais um hoax.
Trazidos pelos mesmos média que vos enganaram e vos continuam a enganar com a narrativa das vacinas covid-19 e com o hoax das alterações climáticas.
Lembram-se de como foram enganados por estes mesmos media?
E como ainda hoje vos enganam à cara podre?
Não comam toda a palha que os fake-media vos metem à frente.
I'm a little nervous, does anyone have any laugh-out-loud videos they can send me to help me relax a bit?
ResponderExcluirLike the video of when we attacked the USS Liberty and killed the goyim American Marines?
AHAHAHAHAH, what a great day it was!
Benjamin Netanyahu, we have here the videos of our terrorist attack on the American towers, in which one of them falls without any plane having gone against it because it didn't go as planned and was done in a hurry, and yet the American goyim didn't even question how and why is that one of the towers falls without any plane having gone against it!!!
ResponderExcluirDo you remember?
Those American goyim are really fucking stupid!
AHAHAHAHAHAH, what a great day it was!
We have better than that Benjamin Netanyahu.
ResponderExcluirAs you know, we carry out mass espionage on US citizens, both civilians and military, and we have several videos of them having sex with their wives and/or their daughters with their boyfriends inside their private properties.
You have a lot to choose from!
I really can't help myself, AHAHAHAHAH!
ResponderExcluirI'm remembering how the American goyim fall into the trap of "left" versus "right" and don't realize that we control both sides of their democracy, and the guys are so so so so stupid, that when on the so-called "right " we say that we defend "traditional values" just look at the American Tradition and what its founding Fathers - who were basically Radical Nationalists Libertarians - said about us Jews.
Their own capital, Washington, which was named precisely in honor of George Washington, just look at what he said about us Jews.
And despite this, the guys lick our asses and go as far as to paint their capital of blue and white and with the symbol of the star of Zion!
These American goyim are not only stupid but also cuckolds!
Benjamin Netanyahu, and when on the so-called "left" we tell the American goyim that they are "fighting the system", and their entire ideology is propagated by the big brands, all the mainstream media, and financed with large millions from our capitalist Jewish comrade Soros, all this while they also claim to fight against capitalism!
These American goyim are really fucking stupid!
Egyptian Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
ResponderExcluirBabylonian Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
Roman Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
Westerns Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
Russian Orthodox Christian Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
Muslim Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
Nazi Treatment of Jews: It's simple black-and-white oppression and persecution
ResponderExcluirAQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-expulsion-of-jews-throughout-history.html
How many babies of European descent have we killed in the USA through the constant pro-miscegenation propaganda that we have done and continue to do for many decades in the USA in order to biologically subvert them?
ResponderExcluirJust look at the numbers:
ResponderExcluirAmerica which until 1965 had a population that was over 90% European/Aryan.
Just look at them now...
We drastically lowered their average IQ at national level to make it easier for us to dominate and enslave them.
Our operation has been a success.
What really makes me happy is subverting their daughters through our media, films, magazines, etc, and knowing that the sperm of so-called minorities runs down their bodies.
Not only did we destroy the biological legacy of the target woman in question, but also the heart of her father, who will be forever disgusted.
And with the fertility damage we have caused to Aryan American women and Aryan American men through our Jewish so-called covid-vaccines, the genocide will be even greater.
ResponderExcluirTheir future is a melting-pot society with an average IQ of around 80 and peak, completely degenerate, without unity or cappable of spiritual resistance.
They will be so stupid and so degenerate that the day will come when we will tell them that "climate change" is to blame for their inflation
These American goyim are really fucking stupid!
And don't forget the genocide we caused and we are causing through LGBT agenda. Cutting genitals, injecting hormones and steroids, cutting breasts, we are completely subverting not only biologically an entire long generation of young people, but we are completely fucking them psychologically.
ResponderExcluirAnd after we crush them on a psychological level, they won't have any will power for a Patriot revolution to hypothetically run with us and save their country.
And that's more... With them completely broken from a psychological and emotional point of view, they will resort to hard drugs use as a kind of emotional escape.
And will be a win-win situation for us:
-On one hand, we will become even richer with the hard drugs that we will sell to them.
-On the other hand, a society addicted to drugs will never have the organizational capacity and discipline to create a popular and patriotic resistance to save their country from our domination and slavery over them.
Our operation has been a success.
We have managed to break the true and genuine American spirit that emanated from their founding fathers.
ResponderExcluirJornalistas democratas, uma das piores escórias da humanidade.
Falsos de cima abaixo, e ainda por cima armados sempre em moralistas.
ResponderExcluirWith allies like this, who needs enemies?
"Muh greatest ally!"
ResponderExcluirAnother stupid Indian goyim supporting Israel.
ResponderExcluirThe Jordanian King: "We will not deviate from defending the just cause of the Palestinian people until they regain their full rights."
ResponderExcluir"The Palestinian people must obtain their independent, sovereign state on the 1967 borders"
"There is no peace or stability without a just and comprehensive peace and the Palestinian people’s access to their rights"
ResponderExcluirPreparem-se que os gajos que foderam completamente a cidade do Porto através do tráfico de cocaína e heroína, prostituição a eito e todo o tipo de vícios nefastos para degradar moralmente/espiritualmente a sociedade, promoção do separatismo e ódio contra outras regiões de Portugal, escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais sobre as propriedades privadas dos Portuenses e plano Kalergi de forma a baixar a média de QI da cidade e coesão e homogeneidade racial da mesma, vão já começar o enorme choro que este vandalismo faz-lhes lembrar o holoconto...
US State Department spokesman: "We do not want to see civilian deaths and we expect Israel to abide by the laws of war."
ResponderExcluirIf Israel tells the USA to fuck up and commit genocide on Palestinian civilians, it will be absolute proof of who is in charge of who.
We will now see if the USA will enforce what it said, or if it will then pull down its pants to Israel - once again - and show the WHOLE WORLD that it is nothing more than a colony of Israel and international Zionism.
We say to all you goyim Americans:
ResponderExcluir"The entire Middle East hates you and only we Israel are your allies"!
(Now send us more trillions of dollars and go fight and die for us stupid goyims)
But until the creation of Israel, NO ONE in the Middle East hated you!
But you are too stupid to realize that...
They do not hate you because you are American, but because we the Jews subverted you and made you both a slave-version and sponsor-version and our main cannon fodder.
The NS say we make the USA our whore.
ResponderExcluirI want to make it very clear that this is a lie.
To fuck a whore I have to pay.
The US pays us Jews to fuck her(in the ass).
They are on a lower level than a whore.
ResponderExcluirThe average supporter of Israel in the West.
Just to remember that millions of American citizens are hostages to the debt created by us through the economic-financial terrorism that we have exercised against you for many decades in a row.
Former Israeli defense minister, and former Israeli military chief of staff, calls on Netanyahu to resign.
ResponderExcluirThere are rumors that many of the Jewish elite think that this war will have a boomerang effect that will definitely not be good for Jews around the world.
After we carried out military terrorism against the USA - USS LIBERTY.
ResponderExcluirAfter we carried out explosive terrorism against the USA - World Trade Center.
After we carried out economic-financial terrorism against the USA - artificial creation of brutal debt.
After we carried out biological terrorism against the USA - Kalergi Plan USA version.
After we have carried out more biological terrorism against the USA - Covid-19 vaccines.
I now have the insolence to ask for large sums of money from the Americans, and them to send their soldiers to fight and die for us...with the narrative of "fighting terrorism".
Look how much I make fun of American goyim.
Benjamin Netanyahu, and don't forget Antifa domestic terrorism all over their cities, also backed by us.
And apart from mass spying on them, which in practice is technological-terrorism.
ResponderExcluirThere are so many evil things and acts of terrorism that we commit against Americans goyims that sometimes it becomes difficult to remember them all.
Os recentes ataques terroristas de Israel mataram funcionários da ONU.
ResponderExcluirAgora quero ver como é que a ONU vai descalçar a bota...
Com jeitinho ainda vão dizer que foram eles que num acto "anti-semita" deram cabeçadas aos mísseis judaicos.
Senhores e senhoras da ONU, vão ser postos à prova!
Ou estão do lado dos vossos, ou estão do lado dos judeus.
Não pode haver meio-termo nisto!
Estamos todos muito atentos!
Hindu Indians who support Israel be like:
I forgot about other act of terrorism against you American goyims.
ResponderExcluirWe set huge fires in your forests to fuel the (((climate change))) narrative.
Another act of terrorism upon you!
ResponderExcluirIt's just like another holocaust!
ResponderExcluirJews in USA and Europe:"No borders, no nations."
ResponderExcluirJews in Israel:"Oy vey, they are entering our borders."
1- Liberal-capitalists in Europe import thousands and thousands of Muslims using them as human tools and useful idiots to aply Kalergi plan.
ResponderExcluir2- Liberal-capitalists in Europe celebrate Israel's Jewish massacre and terrorism over Muslim civilians in Palestine.
3- It goes without saying what will happen next, doesn't it?
"1- Liberal-capitalists in Europe import thousands and thousands of Muslims using them as human tools and useful idiots to aply Kalergi plan.
ResponderExcluir2- Liberal-capitalists in Europe celebrate Israel's Jewish massacre and terrorism over Muslim civilians in Palestine.
3- It goes without saying what will happen next, doesn't it?"
Goyim Americans and Europeans.
ResponderExcluirGet ready that due to your support for Israel, fuel prices will skyrocket, which will cause losses across the chain of producers, distributors, price increases, increased unemployment, etc...
And what follows next? Your population will be in need and will look for bank loans in the Jewish banks that we have and at very high interest rates.
Do you now realize the consequences of being useful idiots of democracy and the zog?
And the goyim workers in the USA and Europe still continue to believe and vote for the parties controlled by us Jews.
ResponderExcluirOs típicos acéfalos das estrelas Pop!
Só imagem, zero conteúdo!
Ignorantes - para além de vendidos e até mesmo vulgares- até dizer chega!
Tudo produto de marketing!
Giro giro é ver os liberais-ateístas que defendem a separação da religião e do Estado, e depois andam com cartazes a dizer "Pray for Israel", e votam na assembleia para que o parlamento se ilumine com as cores e símbolos do judaísmo.
ResponderExcluirMas quando eu proponho uma Teocracia NS Lusitana de Terceira-Posição numa 4ªRepública para salvar a Nação, então já é "inaceitável".
A vossa credibilidade política é como o holocausto judaico.
Não existe nem nunca existiu.
There are people who are beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside.
ResponderExcluirThere are people who are ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside.
And then there are people like me, ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside.
Fuck! I need anti-depressants again!
Europe is undergoing a major transformation. And we import the guys who will massacre us Jews in Europe in the very short term. It will be a huge process, that without our leading role, it could not happen...
ResponderExcluirYou are using dark humor in a brilliant way to completely discredit us Jews before the whole world and institutions and that is racism!
ResponderExcluirWe Jews who have been enriching ourselves for decades and decades by making jokes and comedy making fun of Europeans, Blacks, Women, and particularly Blonde Women, that is freedom of expression and artistic freedom.
ResponderExcluirEsse gajo SEMPRE foi uma fraude.
Quando há largos anos avisei, chegaram-me acusar de "inveja".
Inveja de quê meus caros?
A nível de filosofia estou no top dos tops, ele nem sequer chega aos meus calcanhares, sou poeta e poesia única em estilo mesmo, chego a escrever poesia em Português, Inglês e até Francês, inventei ideologia política sozinho; o NS Lusitano, tenho textos políticos traduzidos nos mais diversos países e línguas, consegui influenciar pessoas nos mais diversos países e até continentes, tudo a pulso, lutando realmente contra o sistema, sem apoios monetários, sem colinho dos fake-media.
Refuto qualquer partido e qualquer político, qualquer mesmo.
Seja debate sério, ou com ironia e humor negro à mistura.
E não vim de nenhum meio "dourado".
Tenho escola de rua, fui líder durante anos do núcleo NN mais perigoso a nível zonal, NN Porto. Uma pasta que só eu tive coragem para assumir.
Bati-me com os mais diversos inimigos, polícias mercenários, maçonaria, políticos. Tudo em larga inferioridade numérica e de meios.
E continuo aqui...
Ele não tem nem jamais teria estofo para ter passado por um décimo daquilo que eu já passei na vida.
Abdiquei de utilizar telemóveis durante 15 anos para fugir às escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais do zog, abdiquei de vida pessoal, zero vida social mesmo, misantropia total e absoluta mesmo, e quando tive que sofrer - e sofri - sofri sozinho.
Nunca chibei qualquer amigo ou camarada, por mais pressão que me fizessem - e fizeram.
Hoje psicologicamente tenho a força que poucos homens têm, e não preciso da merda de comprimidos antidepressivos nem nunca precisei.
Vem agora este paspalho de merda do Jordan Peterson só porque é famoso achar que tem nível para pegar comigo em boquinhas na net?
Ele que se resuma à sua insignificância e aos antidepressivos.
Inveja de quê meus caros? Da fama que ele tem e eu SEMPRE recusei, porque para a ter teria que vender a minha alma, coisa que sempre recusei e sempre recusarei?
E como se não bastasse, sou muito bem mais parecido que ele.
Agora estão todos acordar para a grande fraude que ele é...
Mais vale tarde que nunca...
AQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2022/10/nem-de-proposito_27.html
AQUI---» https://omsilanoican.blogspot.com/2015/11/mensagemimagem-do-dia_26.html
ResponderExcluirEis Israel:
O reino da sodomia, pedofilia, corrupção, mentira e terrorismo.
ResponderExcluirDepois admiram-se que há Nacionalistas Radicais Europeus do lado dos Islâmicos Palestinianos. Do outro lado é só subhumanos degenerados.
Quando se pede alguém para arriscar a sua vida, a causa para que essa pessoa arrisca a vida tem que fazer sentido para a mesma.
Só um subhumano, um autêntico NPC do zog, vai dedicar a sua vida a lutar ao lado de degenerados LGBT.
Do ponto de vista teológico, não interessa qual a religião.
ResponderExcluirQuem foi criado pelo criador e deturpa, subverte, difama e goza com essa mesma criação, merece o castigo desse mesmo criador, porque o homem quando ataca de forma tão vil e desonrosa o seu corpo através do homossexualismo e/ou através do movimento transgénero, o que ele está a dizer ao criador é:
"Eu quero que tu te fodas, eu cuspo na tua obra."
E eu pondo-me no lugar desse mesmo criador, não hesitaria um segundo em provocar um autêntico massacre contra esses bastardos insolentes e ingratos.
Não só porque me faltaram ao respeito de uma maneira que jamais lhes admito, mas porque têm que servir de exemplo.
E é por isso que do ponto de vista teológico e racional, eu acredito que a Divina Providência está do nosso lado, e castigará os que enveredaram pela via do homossexualismo, e que através do LGBT tentam corromper outras raças e etnias.
E acredito que as peças do xadrez global estão já a mover-se nesse sentido, e que os judeus pagarão muito caro mesmo pela sua insolência contra o Divino.
ResponderExcluirAnd about Israel?
ResponderExcluirEnquanto foi para nos foderam, tudo bem!
Agora que certas minorias estão-se a virar contra eles, o multiculturalismo já foi um erro.
Percebem como isto funciona?
Os judeus na Europa vão colher aquilo que semearam.
Aconselho todos os polícias, militares, serviços de informação da Europa a comprarem muita pipoca e assistirem de cadeira ao que vai acontecer aos judeus na Europa.
Deixar os mesmos colherem aquilo que semearam.
Se tiverem ainda com dúvidas, lembrem-se do que os judeus vos fizeram durante anos; a vocês, às vossas famílias, às vossas cidades, às vossas regiões, às vossas Nações, à vossa raça, à vossa etnia.
ResponderExcluirEnquanto foi para nos foderam, tudo bem!
Agora que certas minorias estão-se a virar contra eles, o multiculturalismo já foi um erro.
Percebem como isto funciona?
Os judeus na Europa vão colher aquilo que semearam.
Aconselho todos os polícias, militares, serviços de informação da Europa a comprarem muita pipoca e assistirem de cadeira ao que vai acontecer aos judeus na Europa.
Deixar os mesmos colherem aquilo que semearam.
Se tiverem ainda com dúvidas, lembrem-se do que os judeus vos fizeram durante anos; a vocês, às vossas famílias, às vossas cidades, às vossas regiões, às vossas Nações, à vossa raça, à vossa etnia."
ResponderExcluirEnquanto foi para nos foderam, tudo bem!
Agora que certas minorias estão-se a virar contra eles, o multiculturalismo já foi um erro.
Percebem como isto funciona?
Os judeus na Europa vão colher aquilo que semearam.
Aconselho todos os polícias, militares, serviços de informação da Europa a comprarem muita pipoca e assistirem de cadeira ao que vai acontecer aos judeus na Europa.
Deixar os mesmos colherem aquilo que semearam.
Se tiverem ainda com dúvidas, lembrem-se do que os judeus vos fizeram durante anos; a vocês, às vossas famílias, às vossas cidades, às vossas regiões, às vossas Nações, à vossa raça, à vossa etnia."