sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2017

A (in)justiça na Alemanha ocupada(zog)...

“Suspects can not be sentenced for a general call to jihad, for spreading propaganda for terrorist organizations, preaching their causes or glorifying their actions, a German federal court rules.”

“A 62-year-old woman was sentenced to a fine of 1,350 euro for liking a Facebook post about refugees. One of the comments read; “How do you like your refugees?” with the answer being “In the distance.”
Her Facebook was banned and her house was raided by police.

Notas pessoais:

Um Estado soberano alguma vez faria isto? Claro que não...
O que muitos Germânicos começam a desejar, e com razão, é que quem legisla este tipo de leis tiranas anti-nativas e as aplica para reprimir/pisar/humilhar os nativos, prove de perto as consequências do multiculturalismo que tanto defendem...
Se calhar, é mesmo o melhor remédio!

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