domingo, 22 de março de 2020

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Hordes of migrant invaders use makeshift ladders in renewed efforts to storm Greece’s border 

It’s a scene eerily reminiscent of the Lord of the Rings films: specifically, “The Two Towers,” where Sauron’s armies of orcs and Uruk-hai attempt to storm the gates of Helm’s Deep using ladders. We are now witnessing similar sights from the Greek-Turkish border.

Hordes fighting-age male migrant invaders marching forward toward Greece’s borders that fake-media like CNN, BBC and SIC call "poor refugees".

Meanwhile Thirteen commandos from Austria’s Cobra elite special forces unit were sent to help the Greeks in Aryan Solidarity.

EKO Cobra special forces came face to face with the Sauron's authorities, some orcs shouted at them: "What are you doing here, is not your country" & the Austrians responded: "We are guests, we are Europeans by blood and land. You are not!"

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