Why the term "White Race" is incorrect, why the "White race" does not exist, and why the term Aryan race is the ONLY correct term to define the Native people of European descent.
In this post, I will put four examples of four different racial groups, although all of them have white skin; and therefore explaining without doubt why using the term "white race" is stupid and have no common sense or scientific validation background.
For the first example I will put the Native people of my Nation; the Lusitanians:
The Lusitanians are Aryans with Celtic blood, and all of them have white skin. They can have black, brown, blond hair or red hair - this last case is extremely rare -, but the most common are dark and brown. They can have also black, brown, green and blue eyes, but the most common are brown and green. They have high levels of testosterone and high levels of IQ, and although they will be the race with higher levels of average testosterone in these examples, they will be the second race more intelligent and not the first as you will see bellow.
In the second example we have the white Semitic Jews:
As you can see they are white without no doubt whatsoever, but they belong to a total different racial group. They can have black and brown hair, but NEVER blond or red hair. They ONLY can have black or brown eyes, because the Semitic people biologically can NEVER have blue or green eyes - only if they are race-mixed and not pure Semitic.
They have a lower average IQ level than the Aryans - Aryans are in the house of 100, and white Semitic people in the house of 90. They have also lower levels of average testosterone compared to Aryans. And aesthetically speaking, they are an uglier race than Aryans.
The white East-Asians:
Many people refer stupidly to the East-Asians as "the yellow race" or other nonsenses as just "Asians".
First of all, just the term "Asian" is incorrect because in the Continent of Asia you have some Aryans, and lots of Semites, Indians, and Japoneses for example; and we are talking of different racial groups.
Second, many Chinese, Japanese or Koreans are white and not "yellow" as you can see in this picture above.
Although in this example they are white, they belong to a total different racial group compared to Aryans or white Semites. They are the most intelligent racial group with an average IQ above 100, but they have lower levels of testosterone compared to the two above.
Morphologically speaking, they have unique facial traits compared to Aryans and white Semites, neverthless having white skin.
And for the last example, the African-Albinos:
They are white, aren't they?
But nevertheless, they belong to a total different racial group...
I hope after this IRREFUTABLE post, and easily explained for the less intelligent or less educated; the term "White Race" will stop being used by the Fascists and
NS who are not quite 100% Red Pill, although many think they are."
-Radical Nationalism
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