sábado, 8 de março de 2025

Nem de propósito...

Ainda têm dúvidas que a 3ªRepública é uma versão 2.0 da nefasta República de Weimar? Ironia das ironias, os que se armam em paladinos e defensores das mulheres - esquerdálhos e liberais -, nem sabem sequer definir o que é uma mulher; isto a propósito da demência dos transgêneros...

quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2025

Disbeliever - Wasting Your Time

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Let me share a secret with you my dear... A male secret that most liberal men fear... Liberal men do not truly commit themselves to anything other than nihilism and their well-being, where only matter the present and what is fast... They don't care about the future generations, and even less your Nation's glorious past... The problem? They "love" the same way, where nothing is sacred, and so their body count is very high... You as an immature women may think that "experience" is always good, but in that case, you're not special - no matter how many times he says it -, you are just another one... He will never give you his heart and soul, but only his body and only his cum... When he is with you in an intimate way, he inevitably compares you to all the many others he has been with... You are just another human toy, in the hands of an adult kid... He is with you and is thinking: "My fourth ex moved better"..."The one I picked up at the club sucked deeper"..."I miss that one who used leather"... And that's why you've never experienced true love, because when it comes to knowing the depths of your soul, his mind is deaf and blind... But there are another type of men, from a total different superior kind... Also with experience, but achieved not through the amount of many women, but through the amount of time with the same women... With many options, but rejecting the majority - in some cases even all of them - because they seek transcendence in real love between a woman and a man... And they only seek a woman who is truly special... Who they can see in her a sacred potential... Who they can imagine her worthy of the continuation of their bloodline... And if the case, someone trustworthy who they can share one of their crime... A vital need for absolute loyalty, and absolute privacy... Not an open book without any dose of mystery... Where every day, you learn something different through esoteric NS poetry...

And just like that, in the next hours, in the next days, in the next weeks, in the next months, in the next years, you will think and reflect on what I just wrote... And thanks to my teachings, when you feel like you are drowning in this fake, decadent and loveless democratic-society, part of me which is already in your mind, is saving you as if it were a sacred boat... Always giving you hope...