quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2019

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Embrace my abrahamic teachings and to the parasites, traitors and rapists give always your other cheek… Through social-media you can always fake a hapiness you don't real have, and post your newest selfie for everybody tweet… A message delivered to you by both christians and atheists of fake-media like cnn, bbc and sic… Don't give yourself to NS because they are "extremists"... So they speak to you...both the extreme-left and zionists extremists… We are for "freedom of expression" and "freedom of thought" - so they say…so long you just repeat their narrative like a souless robot… In a democracy you became a woman without a soul… You are alive, but inside yourself you feel nothing except a hole… Don't call me names like "Lucifer", but call me your nameless God… So was I and nobody else, who freed your spirit from the fucking zog…

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