sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2015

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Folk and Land: The Revitalization of Our Culture

"The soil is the foundation of our European Culture, both in terms of practical sustenance and spiritually. The land has a mystical quality to which the Folk is rooted by ties of Family--of Blood--for generation upon generation. This is the meaning of that misunderstood and slandered concept Blood & Soil.

The Village emerges to fill the social and economic needs of an expanding rural population, to both sell produce and facilitate social communication. This is the beginnings of a culture. As the Culture gives way to Civilization, the symbols are no longer the land and its Family/Blood rootedness, nor the Village; but the Town becoming City, and ultimately (at the last, 'Winter' phase of a Civilization) the Megalopolis, drawing the rural population into its embrace, submerging the citydweller into a nebulous, alienated mass of proletarians and merchants without ties of land or blood and with at most a precarious notion of family. Above it all stand the new lords and masters: the Bankers, with their democratic political demagogues.

The philosopher-historian Oswald Spengler writes of this disintegration in The Decline of The West:

"The megalopolis - skeptical, practical, artificial - alone represents Civilization today. The soil-peasantry before its gates does not count. The 'People' means the city-people, an inorganic mass, something fluctuating."

The peasant/farmer is rooted to the soil in a numinous, mystical manner. His land provides him with more than food or an income; it is here that the generations of his family live and die, where their sweat, blood and tears and laughter consecrate the earth in the most personal way. Where is there such connectedness to one's environment in the City, where all is in a state of flux and transience: where impersonality is supreme.

Spengler continues:

"He who digs and ploughs is seeking not to plunder, but to alter Nature. To plant implies not to take something, but to produce something. BUT WITH THIS, MAN HIMSELF BECOMES PLANT--namely, as peasant. He roots in the earth that he tends, the soul of man discovers a soul in the countryside, and a new earthboundness of being, a new feeling pronounces itself. Hostile Nature becomes the friend, earth becomes MOTHER Earth. Between sowing and begetting, harvest and death, and child and the grain, a profound affinity is set up..."

The symbol of this youthful Culture, this 'Springtime' is the farmhouse, "The great symbol of settledness... It is PROPERTY in the most sacred sense of the word."

It is the Civilization in its Late or "Winter" phase with the City and the citydweller :dominant that has man returning to a spiritually nomadic, rootless condition. He is no longer settled; there are no real, deep - inner - ties to property in the profound sense, not even among those who own their city dwellings. The City epitomized by the Megalopolis in Late Civilization (for ancient Rome and modern New York, London or Paris) draws the races of the world to it; no longer only the rural population of its own Folk. The Megalopolis is bloodless, money-based, desiring capital and labor regardless of the racial and cultural sources. The great melting-pot is upheld as the ideal. America symbolizes perfectly the Western Civilization's Late phase, and whoever seeks to predict the future of his own society needs only to look first at what unfolds in America.

One of the most transparent signs of the crisis of the Western Civilization is both the depopulation of the countryside and urban sprawl.

This is the inexorable process of a Civilization in decay. It follows the same phases as other Civilizations such as Rome, as Spengler showed. However, Western Man has the advantage of historical perspective, of an historical sense more finely tuned than any other Civilization. He can look back ore the past, on the Cycles of Civilization, and see the whence of his doing. He has an historical conscious that separates him from those of other Civilizations in a manner similar to the way humans are separated from other animals by their self-conscious. THE QUESTION REMAINS WHETHER THERE ARE SUFFICIENT NUMBERS WITH THE WILL AND THE SPIRITUAL ESSENCE LEFT NOT ONLY TO LEARN FROM THE PAST BUT TO PUT THOSE LESSONS INTO EFFECT BY FIGHTING FOR A REBIRTH OF THE WESTERN SOUL.

Any revival of the European spirit MUST proceed from the concept of Blood & Soil. It must also take account of how the traditional and spiritual attributes of the European can be synthesized with our science and technology which are themselves products of the European soul: of that yearning for knowledge and exploration Spengler referred to as "Faustian."

Indeed since science itself is but an unfolding of the laws of Nature, it seems logical that science and technology should work FOR the spirit of Blood & Soil, and not as they are now doing AGAINST. The problem is not with technology itself, or the unique Faustian soul that gives it shape; it is with the manner by which it is utilized to ravage Nature and dehumanize Man for the benefit of industrial capitalism and the small coteries of plutocrats who control it. The elimination of plutocracy is therefore a prerequisite for the rebirth of our Folk and Culture."

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

Um dentista Americano matou um leão em África: Toda a gente está indignada; e todos os jornais online e até canais de notícias a nível internacional, não há ninguém que não fale sobre isso.

Os judeus estão a genocidiar a raça Ariana: Ninguém fala sobre isso...

O que está aqui em causa não é o respeito pelos animais.
O que é relevante, é a TOTAL DEMÊNCIA da sociedade democrática pseudo-humanista, que consegue chegar ao ponto desta dualidade de critérios ABSOLUTAMENTE ABERRANTE.

Meanwhile in Venezuela....

"People are starving-walk through a supermarket.
Now led by President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela is rotting. The statistics speak volumes. Inflation in Venezuela is around 65 percent — perhaps higher. The Venezuelan Observatory of Violence reports that the 2014 murder rate was the second-highest globally, war zones included. Venezuelans now struggle to access the most basic necessities. Suffering from chronic shortages of coffee, toilet paper, and just about every good Venezuela imports (most goods are imported, thanks to Chávez’s idiocy), citizens must line up for hours to scrounge whatever they can. They struggle for sustenance and also basic survival."
Notas pessoais:
O verdadeiro comunismo a funcionar: A igualdade da miséria...
Isto é o "paraíso" que muitos filhos da puta de cá, querem impor na (cada vez menos)Nação Lusitana.

Imagens do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"A zombie never seeks to devour one of its own kind, rather it always seeks out the warm blood of the living.
Likewise, a zombie is always a member of a herd made up of other countless shambling walking corpses that seek to devour the flesh of the living. The rotting, putrid flesh of its fellows doesn't interest it in the slightest, but once it gets a whiff of the scent of living flesh, its mind, eager at the thought of sinking its teeth into the warm lifeblood of the living, sends it into a frenzy and will pursue it for countless miles, even after forgetting what and whom it was pursuing in the first place.

You see, zombies don't need a reason to attack the living, they act solely by instinct; they are compelled by their nature to seek and devour those who are not like it, that is to say dead, and gorge itself on the viscous fluids which animate its prey.
A zombie is also devoid of any kind of individuality, as it is only one member of a horde; a spiritual dead collective. The hallmark of the living is that they possess individuality and this trait separates them from the walking dead.
We in the twenty-first century are the few survivors attempting to eek out an existence in a world that belongs to the living dead."

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015

Mensagem do dia.

Khors - My Cossack Way

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Our people need a generation of girls who must be healthy both in body and spirit, who proudly and confidently walk toward the chosen path, which is demanding a sober attitude to life and to others who should be free from empty dreams and empty sentiments. It is due that with the mentioned qualities they become loyal and reliable companions of their husbands, which will be perceived not as idols, but faithful companions. These girls bring National Socialism in the spiritual mood of future generations of our people."
-T. Moore

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"All in all, the National-Socialistic conception of state and culture is that of an organic whole. As an organic whole, the völkisch state is more than the sum of its parts, and indeed because these parts, called individuals, are fitted together to make a higher unity, within which they in turn become capable of a higher level of life achievement, while enjoying an enhanced sense of security. The individual is bound to this sort of freedom through the fulfillment of his duty in the service of the whole."
- Karl Zimmerman

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"When Will the Jewish Danger Be Over?

The Jew was always a liar, a swindler, an exploiter, a troublemaker, a poisoner of the blood, and a murderer from the beginning. The Gentile peoples thus responded to this people of criminals throughout history with contempt and rejection.

Over the centuries, repeated attempts were made to eliminate the Jewish danger. Under the assumption that the Jewish question was a religious matter, one attempted to render Jews harmless by forcing them to be baptized. It did not take long for people to realize that this was an entirely false solution. The conversion of Jews to Christianity was only on the surface. Jews became “Christian” only to carry on as Jews.

Another way to solve the Jewish question was for the numerically superior Gentile population to absorb the Jewish minority. People believed that close contact between the Jews and the host peoples would, through equality, intermarriage and the mixing of blood, gradually “water down” the Jewish race and lead to its disappearance. The results of this mistake were catastrophic. The Jewish race was not “watered down” and rendered harmless, but rather the opposite: the blood of the Gentile peoples was poisoned in a grave way.

Experience showed Gentile peoples that incorporating the foreign Jewish element into their community not only did no good, but caused great harm. Gradually people realized that there was only one effective method of dealing with Jewry: consistent separation from their own racial body.

Even during the Middle Ages numerous governments required Jews to distinguish themselves from their Gentile host peoples by wearing special clothing such as pointed Jewish hats, yellow symbols, rings, etc. As well-intentioned as these measures were, they had only limited success. Sometimes the Jews wore these symbols with pride. They were pleased that the “stupid Goy” themselves saw to it that only the “chosen people” wore such outward symbols. But other Jews whose business interests were not advanced by making the fact that they were Jews plain continued to go about the country as “Gentiles.”

Another way of separating the Jews from the Gentile peoples was to force them to live in certain areas. The Jewish quarter became known as the “ghetto.”

But this method also failed to achieve its goal. Some Jews welcomed the creation of the ghetto. Once again they had their “community abroad!” In the ghetto, Jewry’s secret plans were forged! In the ghetto the Jews had their “staff.” Those Jews who carried on their mischief among the Gentiles received their commands from the ghetto. The Jewish danger was greater than ever before.

Realizing that separating the Jews into their own quarter was not sufficient led various peoples to go still further. They expelled the Jews from their countries.

Today Europe is ready to solve the Jewish question once and for all. It is thus good to learn from past mistakes and remember what history teaches. And what does history teach us? It teaches:

The Jewish question is not only a German matter!

It is also not only a European problem! The Jewish question is a world question! 

Jewry is organized world criminality.
-Ernst Hiemer

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"I don't like prostitutes. But i dislike even more the democratic politicians. The whore sells her body and soul for money, while the democrat sells not only his body and his soul, but also the bodies and souls of others. The profissional whore can be more decent than the politician."
-Radical Nationalism

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Well, but this strong pessimism, with which belongs the contempt for mankind of all great fact-men who know mankind, is quite a different matter from the cowardly pessimism of small and weary souls which fear life and cannot bear to look at reality. The life they hope for, spent in peace and happiness, free from danger and replete with comfort, is boring and senile, apart from the fact that it is only imaginable, not possible. On this rock, the reality of history, every ideology must founder.
Little as one knows of events in the future - for all that can be got from a comparison of other civilizations is the general form of future facts and their march through the ages - so much is certain: the forces which will sway the future are no other than those of the past. These forces are: the will of the Strong, healthy instincts, Race, the will to possession and power..."
-Oswald Spengler

terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2015

Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

28 de Julho dia nacional da preservação da natureza

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.


Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Still don´t like feminists."

Holdaar - God's Warrior (2015)

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segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2015

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"Só tem Pátria quem sabe lutar.
Mas só quem sabe pensar, saberá pelo que deve lutar..."
-Provérbio Lusitano

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Numa democracia, somos traídos desde cedo pelas escolas e professores que se encarregam de nos lavar o cérebro em miúdos.
Somo traídos pelos média que se encarregam de nos lavar o cérebro todos todos todos todos todos os dias, com suas mentiras e deturpações(Para além do terrorismo tecnológico no que diz respeito às escutas e videovigilâncias ilegais nas propriedades privadas dos cidadãos).
Somos traídos pelo sector da Justiça(?) pois esta convive e compactua com os que fazem terrorismo tecnológico nas propriedades privadas dos cidadãos.
Somo traídos pelos políticos e partidos quando estes nos mentem, vigarizam, roubam, exploram, endividam, escravizam, e até no exterminam(basta ver o deliberado processo de substituição populacional).

Numa democracia, a traição não é a excepção.
Numa democracia, a traição é mesma a regra.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“Modern man is a prisoner who thinks he is free because he refrains from touching the walls of his dungeon.” 
Nicolás Gómez Dávila

domingo, 26 de julho de 2015

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Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"At some point you will have to stop running and take a stand. Either you, your children, or your grandchildren. Better you than them."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The abolition of interest slavery will deliver us from ultra-capitalist domination while avoiding both Communist destruction of the human spirit and Capitalist degradation of labour. The abolition of interest slavery opens the way to a truly social economy, by liberating us from the overwhelming domination of money. It opens the way to a state based on creative work and genuine accomplishment."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"I consider life itself to be an instinct for growth, endurance, the accumulation of force, and power. When there is no will to power, there is decline."-Nietzsche

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The morality of equality is a destructive morality. What is equal is replaceable, and what is replaceable has no value. Equality makes everyone a slave. Value comes from two sources, superiority and scarcity. What is superior is higher in quality than what is average. And what is scarce, what is rare or unique has higher value than can be found everywhere. The ultimate consequence of an egalitarian morality is the destruction of human value."
–Alex Kurtagic

sábado, 25 de julho de 2015

sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia

“Democracy is the counting of heads, not what’s in them!”
– Padraig Deignan

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“‘Aristocracy,’ … taken in its etymological sense, means precisely the power of the elect. The elect, by the very definition of the word, can only be the few, and their power, or rather their authority, being due to their intellectual superiority, has nothing in common with the numerical strength on which democracy is based, a strength whose inherent tendency is to sacrifice the minority to the majority, and therefore quality to quantity in the elect to the masses.”
– René Guénon

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"O país perdeu a inteligência e a consciência moral. Os costumes estão dissolvidos, as consciências em debandada, os caracteres corrompidos. A práctica da vida tem por única direcção a conveniência. Não há princípio que não seja  desmentido. Não há instituição que não seja escarnecida. Ninguém se respeita. Não há nenhuma solidariedade entre os cidadãos. Ninguém crê na honestidade dos homens públicos. Alguns agiotas felizes exploram. A classe média abate-se progressivamente na imbecilidade e na inércia. O povo está na miséria. Os serviços públicos são abandonados a uma rotina dormente. O desprezo pelas ideias aumenta em cada dia. Vivemos todos ao acaso. Perfeita, absoluta indiferença de cima a baixo! Toda a vida espiritual, intelectual, parada. O tédio invadiu todas as almas. A mocidade arrasta-se envelhecida das mesas das secretarias para as mesas dos cafés. A ruína económica cresce, cresce, cresce. As quebras sucedem-se. O pequeno comércio definha. A indústria enfraquece. A sorte dos operários é lamentável. O salário diminui. A renda também diminui. O Estado é considerado na sua acção fiscal como um ladrão e tratado como um inimigo."
-Eça de Queiroz

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Eles esqueciam que nem só de pão vive o homem, que nem só de riqueza material vivem as Nações. Essa concepção materialista que já tenho ouvido muitas vezes na boca dos defensores do Liberalismo é um dos piores sintomas que a deficiência intelectual e a desorientação cultural nos podem oferecer.
Um regime político não se avalia só pelo bem-estar material que proporciona ou facilita ou permite a um Povo – porque nem os indivíduos nem os Povos vieram a este mundo, exclusivamente para os bens materiais."
-Alfredo Pimenta

quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2015

Mensagem do dia.

Painful Awakening - Hate keeps me alive

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"O democrata não admite a verdade."
-Provérbio Lusitano
O primeiro-ministro Pedro Passos Coelho
"«Dívida pública? É uma herança do passado» - Passos Coelho

Na sequência dos dados revelados pelo Eurostat, onde Portugal mantém a terceira maior dívida pública da União Europeia, o primeiro-ministro Pedro Passos Coelho lembrou que é uma situação provocada pelo anterior Governo.

«É uma herança que nós temos do passado e essa herança é recordada a cada mês, a cada três meses, sempre que esses relatórios são publicados», afirmou, acrescentando que «os países que tiveram de recorrer à ajuda externa são aqueles que têm um nível de endividamento maior, senão não teriam tido essa necessidade».

«Estamos muito determinados em não voltar a cometer os mesmos erros do passado e em ter uma disciplina orçamental, financeira e económica, que mantenha o país e o Estado a coberto de aumentar essa dívida e, portanto, de ficar novamente numa situação de `stress` financeiro que obrigue a um pedido de ajuda externa, mas isso é o que temos vindo a fazer», acrescentou Passos Coelho."

Notas pessoais: