domingo, 31 de maio de 2020

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Persecution of the Radical Nationalists to apease the liberals and the traitors inside the GOP... And now what are you getting? A society where everyone hates the cop...
You are both the villain portrayed by the fake-media, and of the international drug-cartels their favorite mock... Selling your soul in the past to zog, is now chasing you, like a punishment of God...

And the military subverted by zog where were they in the past? Killing the Germans to protect the jews, killing the Serbs to protect the muslims, and arming the 
African-marxists guerrillas to kill the Lusitanians in the Ultramar...  And now what are you getting? Afro-marxists, jews and muslims are burning your country to the ground... You called us in the past of being "hateful"; but it is your kind of love(?) who is empty, shallow, and have no real bond...

Love is to protect what is yours - your Race, your Ethnicity, your Nation - no matter what! It is to choose solitude if necessary, if the stupid democratic masses are swallowing the daily fake-media crap... And no; voting won't saving you... As we always said, and say... Your National-Salvation, will come only with the Truth...

Democratic concept is based in the anti-natural,
anti-scientific and anti-evidence "human equality" - and this statement, is nothing than a bunch of lies!
You only need to respect Nature again; for it show us everyday...that Eagles...are not equal to flies...
-999NS POETRY999

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"But the decay of the Aryan family, the inevitable outcome of megalopolitan existence, is spreading, and it is devouring the 'race' of nations. The meaning of man and wife, the will to perpetuity, is being lost.

People live for themselves alone, not for future generations. The Nation as society, once the organic web of families, threatens to dissolve, from the city outwards, into a sum of private atoms, of which each is intent on extracting from his own and other lives the maximum of amusement—panem et circenses. The women's emancipation of Ibsen's time wanted, not freedom from the husband, but freedom from the child, from the burden of children, just as men's emancipation in the same period signified freedom from the duties towards Family, Nation, and State. The whole of Liberal problem-literature revolves about this suicide of the Aryan race. It has been the same in all other Civilizations."
-Oswald Spengler

Beleriand - Far over Wood and Mountain Tall (Full Album)

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Martial arts compared to drugs, gives you more stamina... Cultural War being engaged in the political Arena... Cultural-Nationalism versus Cultural-Marxism, in the battle for the minds and for the hearts.... NS Black Metal versus degenerate hip-hop, is like earing Gods' teachings versus earing your own farts... Classic Art raises your spirit; you become thirsty for beauty, perfection and transcendence... The so-called "modern art", only enslaves your Aryan spirit with a jewish fence... You have to choose right what you want to feel, in Order to know to properly think... Cultural-Nationalism is like a captain of a Divine boat that never sink...

THIS IS (((AMERICA))) 2020

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Quem te avisa, teu amigo é!"
-Provérbio Lusitano

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"American Woman Found Dead in Car in Minneapolis Following Night of Kidnappings, Random Cars Being Shot At By Rioters...

According to police, the woman appeared to be in her 30s with “trauma visible” on her body, which was in the back seat. The car was in the area of the riots, in the middle of the street on 17th and Bryant Avenue.
There were multiple reported kidnappings in the area during the same time period.

Libor Jany, a reporter from the Star Tribune wrote on Twitter that “amidst all this, police are being called to investigate a possible kidnapping from the parking lot across the street from their burning station; a screaming woman was said to have been forcibly put into a vehicle that then sped away, according to scanner traffic.”

Additionally, a report of a topless white female “in distress” in a car with three black males went out over the scanner.

“CVS on Snelling is on Fire. Car jacking and kidnapping just occurred. They’re shooting at random cars on university. Do not leave your home. It is extremely dangerous in here,” a Twitter user from Minneapolis wrote.

Notas pessoais:
  1. Raptar mulheres e violar as mesmas, é "lutar contra o racismo", (((topam)))?
  2. Incendiar e pilhar propriedades públicas e privadas de pessoas que nada tiveram a ver com o assunto que está a servir de pretexto para subversão/terrorismo por parte dos antifas/liberais/blm, é "lutar contra o racismo", (((topam)))?

E expliquem-me lá como se lida com estes energúmenos...
Quando não existe lógica na cabeça das massas então subvertidas/hipnotizadas pelos (((fake-media)) e (((ensino público))) então subvertido, torna-se impossível a resolução de problemas. Percebem agora a importância da Lógica e da Razão? A importância da Verdade? De como elas são FUNDAMENTAIS para atingir e/ou manter altos patamares civilizacionais?

O "anti-capitalismo" dos antifas...(((topam)))?

Isto tudo - e muito mais se avizinha - está acontecer sabem porquê? Porque não interessa combater zombies no 'grande quadro'', se eles não páram de vir... Resolves o problema naqueles minutos, quiçá naquelas horas, ou até mesmo nos próximos dias...mas depois virão mais zombies e mais zombies... 
Enquanto as forças da Ordem LEGÍTIMA - portadores de Legitimidade Racial, Legitimidade Intelectual, e Legitimidade Moral não forem à RAIZ do problema, ou seja, AOS QUE ANDAM A CRIAR ZOMBIES; o problema não só não se resolverá, como se intensificará.

Quem é que anda a criar os zombies? Quem é que anda a doutrinar os zombies para subversão, terrorismo e racismo anti-Ariano? Isto é que importa discutir, e depois agir sobre os mesmos. É a impunidade daqueles que são os maiores responsáveis por todas as desgraças, o factor fundamental da existência dessas mesmas desgraças. Enquanto não resolverem o problema judaico, nenhum outro problema será resolvido, pois todos os demais problemas são derivados do problema principal - o problema judaico.

sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2020

Mgła - Further down the nest


Multiculturalismo já vitimou inocentes por todo o Ocidente mais que o Covid-19... E aqui a desgraça ainda vai no início, mas já é suficiente para amostra... E ironia das ironias só nesta semana tivemos conflictos entre Negros, Ciganos e Indianos... E ninguém mais falou de "trivelas", e o silêncio imperou nos lábios do não-nativo António Costa... E até o presidente numa mera passeata, do "enriquecimento cultural" já foge...

Se fossem Nacionalistas Radicais a fazerem semelhante, vinha a propaganda do (((costume))) a difamar os Nacionalistas que são Ultras e não venderam a alma recusando-se assim - ao contrário de muito$ - a tornarem-se Ultra$... Diriam (((eles))) nos fake-media e fake-imprensa:"Sobre os Nacionalistas Ultras Radicais prisão, exílio social, ostracização, vigilância constante e não sei quantas multas!"  Mas como não foram eles a fazerem merda, já não se atribuem culpas! Trágico-comédias mediáticas à volta do rap; desviam as atenções de ajustes directos por parte dos partidos que se multiplicam sobre a Nação ocupada num constante saque... Quanto mais democracia, também a hipocrisia é cada vez mais! E até já os próprios polícias, começam a perder a paciência com o bilderberg-palhaço-mor das selfies...

Ode à nossa Providência!
Ode à nossa Providência!
Ode à nossa Providência!
A substância vale muito mais do que a aparência!

Ultra Lusitano tem tatuagens tribais e argolas nas orelhas; logo "é um bandido!" Político democrata nada disso tem; e por isso é um santo! Mas qual dos dois rouba e continua a roubar milhares de milhões ao povo Lusitano para injectar no Novo Banco?

Ácido sulfúrico nessa boca filho da puta antes de falares de Nós! Não damos a outra face à moda dos betos de Cascais e/ou dos betos da FozA vossa oferta de fama não nos seduz para passarmos a ser vira-casaca$! Nem a puta da branca que traficam vinda de Caracas!

Não estamos à venda!
Não estamos à venda!
Somos o vosso pesadelo e não a vossa prenda!

Mais importante é vencer a guerra final, do que vencer uma mera batalha! E lobos gostam de comer carne e só burros é que comem a (((vossa))) palha! O espírito Lusitano permanece! O juramento Ultra não se esquece! E o nosso movimento Radical Nacionalista, por toda a Europa cresce...

Poesia, textos e teses Nacionalistas Radicais traduzidas entre Celtas, Romanos, Eslavos, Nórdico/Germânicos e Helénicos à velocidade do vento... Visionários Arianos de tochas na mão...como se fossem ponteiros de um relógio Divino à frente do tempo...

Nebula Orionis - Consequences

Para bom entendedor...

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

Aquilo que se está a passar nos EUA ocupados, é uma boa amostra do cenário do que se irá passar na Europa se deixarmos os judeus fazerem cá aquilo que fizeram nos EUA ocupados.

Certas zonas dos EUA ocupados já parecem a Somália...

  1. O multiculturalismo levará sempre a inevitáveis confrontos sociais.
  2. É por causa do racismo? Defina-se racismo em primeiro lugar!
  3. Se é por causa do racismo, porque não pegam fogo às sinagogas, já que segundo a religião judaica todas as outras raças não passam de "goyim" - sejam Arianos, Negros, Ameríndios, Indianos, East-Asians(Japoneses, Chineses, Coreanos, etc...) ou Árabes?
  4. Os Arianos que sofrem muito mais racismo nos EUA ocupados, terão justificação então para fazerem muito pior? Se a narrativa dos mérdia justifica a pilhagem e destruição de propriedade pública e privada a eito por causa do "racismo", os Arianos então terão 'carta-branca' daqui para a frente para fazerem muito pior? Esclareçam sff....
  5. Quem vai pagar os enormes estragos e prejuízos feitos às diversas propriedades públicas e privadas? Quem fez os estragos e quem os instiga e instigou - antifas, fake-media e judeus? Ou maioritariamente o corno-manso do contribuinte democrático Ariano?
  6. As polícias até quando vão fazer de mercenárias do zog? Ainda não perceberam que venderem a alma ao zog e traírem as Nações e os respectivos povos Nativos, inevitavelmente vai-vos sair o tiro pela culatra em grande escala?

quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2020

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Hungary lists illegal migration and demographic change as top security threats in new National Security Strategy

Right in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, Hungary has published its new National Security Strategy (NSS), which lists illegal migration, demographic change, armed attacks, and hybrid warfare as some of the biggest threats the country faces.

The NSS lists migration as one of the major security threats that Hungary faces.

“The crisis caused by mass immigration has a decisive effect on Hungary’s security. The crisis has made it clear that unexpected, uncontrolled, mass and illegal migration is a new type of challenge that could even jeopardize the security and stability of the European continent, while maintaining national security, public safety and security,” according to the document.

The wave of illegal(and even legal) migration can also become a tool for hybrid warfare."

Notas pessoais:

A Hungria não sendo uma Nação soberana a 100%, ainda assim é soberana pelo menos em 50%; o que é bem mais que a maioria das Nações Europeias ocupadas(zog). Ao menos ao nível do Estado não practica racismo anti-nativo nem genocidia deliberadamente o povo Nativo, ao contrário por exemplo do ocupadíssimo (((estado))) Português(?) pós-traição de Abril.

Reparem que isto é um documento oficial que num palavreado muito simpático o que está a dizer entrelinhas é que os kalergianos são uma ameaça biológica, e que a Nação Húngara só poderá sobreviver se for composta por Húngaros - na pior das hipóteses, uma Nação tem que ser composta por 90% de Nativos.

Muito relevante, é que são próprios organismos do Estado Húngaro - que felizmente não está todo (((ocupado))) - que vêm ao encontro do discurso dos Nacionalistas Radicais; o que só prova, que estes últimos tinham razão antes do tempo.

Quando é que admitem duma vez por todas que os Nacionalistas Radicais são os ÚNICOS, e repito, os ÚNICOS que tiveram razão antes do tempo, que NUNCA se venderam, e que são a Nata das Nações: uma mais-valia intelectual, espiritual e física?

domingo, 24 de maio de 2020

Sunwheel - Hymn Nocnej Batalii

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"If you still think democrats are pro-Science, you are not paying attention."
-Radical Nationalism

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Sweden: Migrant charged with rape of 3-year-old, gave her STD

A migrant from Eritrea has been charged with raping a 3-year-old girl in Sweden. A medical center has determined that the girl now also has a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

The 32-year-old migrant, whose name is being withheld due to Swedish privacy laws, was charged in the Attunda District Court, according to a report by Samhällsnytt. He resides in the Sundbyberg Municipality, north of Stockholm. Swedish tax records indicate that he is an Eritrean national who was first registered in Sweden in February 2010.

The charge indicates that the rape took place in a residence in Sollentuna Municipality, also north of Stockholm, in either January or February of this year. After the assault, the mother began to suspect that the girl was suffering from a disease and took her to a medical centre in Tureberg, where it was determined that she was infected with an STD. Doctors then alerted the police, and testing indicated that the Eritrean suspect has the same infection.

Crimes, and particularly sexual assaults, committed by migrants have become a serious problem in Sweden in recent years. In this month alone, three migrants have been arrested for or charged with rape, and two with murder."

Notas pessoais:

Reparem que esta escumalha já não tem somente como alvos as mulheres idosas, as de meia-idade, jovens, adolescentes, e menores de 14, 13, 12 anos...agora até miúdas de 3 anos são um alvo!

Isto não tem rigorosamente a ver com busca pelo "prazer sexual", isto trata-se de manifestação de ódio racial, racismo anti-ariano, e ideais lgbt à mistura.  

Num regime NS, esta escumalha teria 3 hipóteses:
  1. Era raptada, levada para uma floresta ou uma cave, e torturada durante várias semanas por esquadrões de morte NS.
  2. Era presa numa prisão própria para trabalhos forçados.
  3. Serviria de cobaia para a ciência e medicina.
Nós apenas defendemos aquilo que cada vez mais pais e mães Nativos(as) dizem dentro de portas... A situação está insustentável e esta escumalha não deve ser vista como "seres humanos", mas sim como armas biológicas; e os responsáveis pela sua vinda, como terroristas biológicos.

A tolerância democrática apenas fará dos vossos filhos e filhas um alvo das hordas kalergianas!

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020


Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
-George Orwell

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"REPORT: Girl Tortured, Sexually Abused by Grooming Gang for Refusing Sex During COVID-19 Quarantine. British girl beaten and sliced for not having sex with Asian men during lockdown

The girl, under the name Ellie Wiliams, went missing over the past day, only to reveal that she was bundled into a car to be taken to an address where she was to sleep with 3 “Asian” men.

Recalling her experience, she said:

Yesterday I was put into the back of a car, taken to an address to have sex with 3 Asian men. Afterwards I was beaten because I was in debt to these men for not attending “party’s” for over 7 weeks due to corona virus. The organisers of the party decided to beat me to teach me a lesson. They decided that I don’t learn from being battered as I’ve received beatings before but “still continuing to make the same mistakes” so they decided to try and cut my finger off! They then continued screaming in my face, waving a knife around saying they would kill me.

Ellie later goes onto write about how the men manipulated her, plying her with drugs, in order to have their way with her, sexually.

She wrote:

These are evil yet clever men. They know how to manipulate, convince and threaten girls into staying, when they can’t they use extreme violence! I used to believe that these people loved me, I realise now that they used me for their own gain and profit. They have beaten me on multiple occasions sometimes for no reason at all. They have given me drugs to the point I was nearly addicted to herion! [sic]

Bravely, Ellie reels off a list of abuses and injuries she suffered at the hands of her tormentors:

They have stripped me naked, beaten me and dumped me in the middle of nowhere with nothing, I mean nothing, no money, phone, ID, clothes, shoes, nothing! They did this once in winter we’re I got found with bad hypothermia. They have broken my ribs, many bones in my face, they have split my ear, cut my throat, attempted to cut my boobs and nipples off, they have carved words into my body, branded me with letters, they have dislocated my elbow, they have stabbed me, they have burnt me and used me as an ashtray to stump cigarettes out, they have beaten me black. I have had a bleed on the brain from a head injury, I have lost some vision in one of my eyes from being smacked so badly. Now I have had my finger cut. They have put lit petrol rags and threatening letters through my letter box, they have followed me home, tried to drown me, strangled me and they have stalked me. They have had guns they have waved around and held to my head. They have abused me in every way possible. They have emotionally abused me calling me every name. It got to the point we’re I was being abused all the time and being hit and hurt weekly! I am incredibly lucky not to be dead already! I thought the only way I could escape this life was to marry one of them, get pregnant or kill myself.

Grooming gangs in the UK have consisted of predominantly Pakistani men gaining the trust of underage British women and often getting them hooked on drugs before sexually and physically abusing."

domingo, 17 de maio de 2020

Grima - The Moon and its Shadows

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Imagine your Nation without democracy... No mercy for the rapists... No mercy for the pedophiles... No mercy for the traitors... An Authoritarian NS Regime where Native Women are truly protected by Native Death Squads... A subhuman sacrifice with their corrupted blood; with the bless from the Aryan Gods... A Divine justice falling over the subhuman scum, under the shadow of the Night... It's not an impossibility; you just have to choose by free will, the right side of the fight... To win the forces of pure evil, you cannot count with christians nor softly moderates... You can only win non-native terrorism, with Native higher terror; with Native Men if necessary, that can be darker than dark... 
Let me enlighten your Aryan consciousness... 
Let me guide, your mind and your heart...

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Not only the Jew, but also all that is derived from the Jewish mind, corrodes and disintegrates what is best in us."
-Stewart Chamberlain

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Sweden: Sudanese migrant arrested for raping girl and killing Native teenager martyr who tried to intervene

Police in Sweden have arrested a Sudanese migrant who’s suspected of raping a woman and murdering the Swedish teen who attempted to stop him.

Abubaker Mohamed, aged 22, was arrested in Härnösand earlier this week on charges of murder, gross rape, rape, serious illegal threats, and serious abuse.

According to a report from the Swedish news portal Samhällsnytt, Mohamed stabbed 19-year-old Tommie Lindh to death in a Härnösand apartment when Lindh attempted prevent him from raping a female acquaintance.

On Wednesday, the 22-year-old suspect denied the crimes he’s been charged with at a hearing at the Ångermanland district court. Following the hearing, Chamber Prosecutor Stina Sjöqvist told Swedish broadcaster SVT that Abubaker Mohamed is also suspected of committing two rapes, one gross and another of the “normal degree” against a victim the same Sunday the murder was committed.

Only halfway through the month of May, Sweden has seen two migrants arrested for murder and three migrants arrested for or found guilty of rape.

Days ago,  a Kurdish migrant living in Sweden was charged with murdering his 17-year-old girlfriend, Wilma Andersson, after her head was found in a suitcase in his flat.

On May 2nd, a Swedish court ordered the expulsion of Afghan asylum seeker after finding him guilty of brutally raping a 14-year-old girl in Jönköping.

Days later, on May 8th, a 16-year-old Jordanian migrant was sentenced to time in a juvenile detention facility after being convicted of ten separate crimes, including the rape of a 13-year-old girl."