terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2017

Liberais=Retardados mentais.

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"Metaphysically, people (subconsciously) realized that the concept of Equality does not permit its antithesis, Hierarchy, equality with itself; people realized that Equality subordinates Hierarchy to an unequal position below it; people realized that Equality is a contradiction in terms, and that Hierarchy is, of the two antitheses, the logically consistent one in that it assumes that it is (hierarchically) higher than Equality, whereas Equality, while assuming equality in theory, assumes inequality (hierarchy) between itself and Hierarchy in practice, by necessity. People realized that the fabric of the universe is made out of Hierarchy, not Equality, that Nietzsche was right and Marx was wrong."
-Radical Traditionalism

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"Debt, particularly international debt, is the first and
over-mastering grip. Through it men in high places are suborned, and alien powers and influences are introduced into the body politic. When the debt grip has been firmly established, control of every form of publicity and political activity soon follows, together with a full grip on industrialists."
-Jackie Patru

Liberais=Retardados mentais.

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segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2017

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"Deep and understanding feeling for Nature is the foundation of every Culture."
-Hermann Göring

Rugievit - Пламя Новой Войны (Бойцам "Азов" Посвящается)

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

A sociedade democrática é uma sociedade asquerosa.

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"It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail."
-Samuel Adams ( 1722-1803),  American statesman and founding father

Liberais=Retardados mentais.


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"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
-George Orwell

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"But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

BloodSoil - Willpower

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 "Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?"

A culpa deve ser do guaraná...

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"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in wich what is going on."
-Henry Ford

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"(Democratic)Industrial civilization makes us a colony of insects. Drugs, despair, (non-native)violence have no other origin than that life of ants that is imposed on most men. Our future and our salvation is to find a life conforming to nature, a life that allows men to be men, to breathe, to run, to live, as the mammals that we are, not to be ankylosed by (anti-national)ideologies, but to be able to develop freely according to peasant instincts according to the animal freedom that nature has placed in us."
-Maurice Bardèche

domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017

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"A nation for everyone, is a nation for no one."
-Radical Nationalism

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"It is not a theory, a concept or a notion: it is a fact. The peoples of Europe are being replaced by non-European peoples. Do you understand the demographics, comparing the European and non-European age: the proportion is even lower for people over seventy years old, but it is huge under five. France is like an old caregiver who raises the children of another people. And you have to be really naive if you think that these people have the same idea of nation, culture, civilization and identity."
-Renaud Camus

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"A Culture is born in the moment when a great soul awakens out of the proto-spirituality of ever childish humanity…"
-Oswald Spengler

sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2017

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Os liberais não refutam argumentos dos outros, e tampouco apresentam argumentos válidos deles. Limitam-se ao insulto variado, na maior parte das vezes completamente desenquadrado, e inclusive sem saberem o significado real desses mesmos insultos.
Discutir com eles, é inútil!
Deixar os mesmos votarem, é suicídio nacional!

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"Too much comfort and ease are the enemy of a decisive cultural breakthrough and a decisive implementation of the politics of the future."
-Jonathan Bowden

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"The point being: in most things people want an aristocracy. They don’t want just anybody dispensing drugs to them, they don’t want just anybody in charge of the fire department, they don’t want just anybody operating on them. And yet in the realm of politics, they make an exception, and subject themselves to uncertainty in its purest form. They do want the best to rule, but they choose a bizarre and incoherent method of determining who is best, id est, who can convince fifty-one percent of people that they are the best using cheap slogans, vague policies, and dirty money."
-Mark Citadel

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"It is the attitude of a man who can choose the hardest road... Through him the traditional idea is asserted, that it is the sense of honour or of shame – not halfway measures drawn from small minded moralities – that creates a substantial, existential difference among beings, almost as great as between one race and another race…
If anything positive can be accomplished today or tomorrow, it will not come from the clever tricks of agitators and politicians, but from the natural prestige of men both of yesterday but also, and even more, from the new generation, whose recognition of how much they can accomplish validates what they believe."
-Julius Evola

Wędrujący Wiatr - O turniach, jeziorach i nocnych szlakach (Full Album)

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"My task: to comprehend the inner coherence and the necessity of every true culture. The protective and healing capacities of a culture, its relationship to the genius of the people. The consequence of every great artistic world is a culture; but due to hostile countercurrents, the work of art often never achieves its full resonance.
Philosophy should hold onto the intellectual mountain chain that extends throughout the centuries: and thereby onto the eternal fruitfulness of everything that is great."

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"We are not born for ourselves alone; a part of us is claimed by our nation, another part by our (true)friends."

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"Cosmopolitan Utopia & Globalization

During the process of globalization in all walks of life, mostly in the fields of culture where we find the most important source of national and state identity in which strong tendencies of unification are present, the process imposes a form of depersonalization and a false value system.

The modern world is faced with attempts at mondialization and the globalist project, which aims to create a uniform model of the world, without tradition, identity, religion and historical memory. The ideologists of globalization propagated the theory of cosmopolitan culture(?) and identity(?). Under such culture(?) and identity(?), consider a world in which all differences between disappearing traditions, nations, and religions. In that type of world they create a universal language and a unique cosmopolitan culture, canceling their identity. The cosmopolitan culture and value system is moving in the direction from West to East and from North to South.

Proponents of cosmopolitan culture and identity deny any diversity of national identities, cultures, traditions and religions, stressing that cosmopolitan culture extends all local horizons, particularly emphasizing how it shapes similar thoughts, tastes, styles, food (McDonald’s), etc.

All traditional values: ideas about morality, honor, loyalty and duty that the peoples of the past held, are sharply replaced with the democratic western self-centered view of the world.

When a nation with a rich tradition and long history accepts the influence of the democratic West, it has lost all the advantages that allowed them to exist on the world stage. So, to all the people who want to preserve inner freedom, they must first save and identify the fundamental values ​​that form the core of their community, and their religious and ethnic entities."

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2017

Liberais=Retardados mentais.

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"Blessed the day [corrupt civilisation] will destroy itself, so that a healthy, hard, frank and brave, nature-loving and truth-loving élite of supermen with a life-centered faith — a natural human aristocracy, as beautiful, on its own higher level— might again rise and rule upon its ruins for ever!"
-Savitri Devi

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Nos anos 60, 70 e mesmo 80 do passado século XX, a Suécia era para os portugueses que se interessavam por política, que não a portuguesa, o paraíso na terra. Havia um outro paraíso, mas apenas para uma minoria de portugueses, a então URSS.
A Suécia fascinava as mentes mais doutas e progressistas das gentes cultas, eruditas e viajadas portuguesas. Em paralelo, a Universidade ministrava o Marxismo através de sebentas, sebentas, de Marta Harnecker, entre outros, aprendia com Gramsci, e lia Marx, Engels, Lenine e Trotsky no original.
Olof Palme, elevado ao Olimpo, era considerado um deus. A social-democracia sueca era o sol na terra. A URSS também era muito solarenga.

Hoje a Suécia apresenta-se como a campeã europeia das violações, ela que naqueles tempos era lembrada, e invejada, pela liberdade sexual dos suecos.
No mundo, apenas o Lesoto ultrapassa a moderna Suécia no número de violações.
Todavia, na Suécia, a culpa das violações não é dos violadores. A culpa é dos violados que se comportam de modo a suscitar, a provocar a violação. No fundo, os violados forçaram a violação devido aos seus comportamentos.
Contudo, há um pormenor a referir. O parágrafo anterior é verdadeiro se a violação for feita por um sueco-somali, sueco-sírio, sueco-qualquer coisa desde que não seja verdadeiramente sueco. Se a violação for feita por um sueco, é mesmo violação, e o sueco é um predador sexual, logo um criminoso sexual, um perigoso fascista."
-Mário Casa Nova Martins