sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016

Eldamar - Spirit Of The North

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Quality thought can only be achieved through discipline."
-Radical Nationalism

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Bloody attacks on Danish girls by immigrant gangs.
Shocking bloody mutilation of young Danish girls: 15-year-old girl was attacked and cut in the face by three young immigrant men.

For the second time in a few days it happened again, reports Lokalavisen: a vile, bloody assault against women.

Last night a 15-year-old girl from Birkerød was assaulted and cut superficially in the face with a sharp object. No more than a few days ago, 17-year-old Emilia (pictured) was subjected to a similar bloody treatment: Her cheek was cut from chin to ear by a a gang of four youths. The vile, bloody assault happened on a path in Hannerup in Fredericia, another place of the country."

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2016

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Quando vemos a escumalha liberal apoiar o movimento LGBT e a islamização da Europa, percebemos bem que não se trata de uma luta de ideais ou de valores(mesmo que estejam errados, e mesmo que sejam imorais e/ou estúpidos), já que o apoio simultâneo ao LGBT e ao islão na Europa é um paradoxo absoluto. A verdadeira agenda é destruir a Europa, logo tudo o que a enfraquecer, eles apoiam. Eles são agentes ao serviço dos judeus para destruírem as Nações Europeias.

"Tudo contra a Nação, nada pela Nação!"; é o mote dos democratas.

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"The true forms of government, therefore, are those in which the one, or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest; but governments which rule with a view to the private interest, whether of the one, or of the few, or of the many, are perversions."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The aim of (complete)art is to represent not (only)the outward appearance of things, but (also)their inward significance."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"There is no question that natural selection acts on culture, and that it does so in a pervasive, rigorous, and thoroughgoing way. Moreover, natural selection works on several levels at once: on individual traits, on social institutions, and on entire societies. It is the combined action of natural selection on all of these levels that, over countless millennia, has produced cultures in the variety of forms in which we find them today."
-Robert L. Carneiro

Drudkh-Glare Of Autumn

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Equality is a rather perverse thought…in human terms, an active war against the exceptional by the average."
-Harold Arthur McNeill

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Greece: Police find leaflets and quotes from Koran in Crete calling for conquest of non-Muslim lands"

Survival of the Fittest: The Evolutionary struggle.

You Must Murder - The right to take a life(With lyrics)

Mensagem do dia.

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Qual o conforto que um homem democrático pode dar à sua mulher e/ou à sua filha depois de esta ter sido violada pelas hordas kalergianas?
"Descansa que daqui a 4 anos vamos nos vingar nas urnas!"?

É nesta decadência que a Europa está mergulhada...

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Dagenham rape: Woman raped by stranger who jumped over fence into garden and launched 'shocking' attack

A woman was raped in a "shocking" attack by a stranger who had climbed over a fence and into a back garden, police said.

Detectives said the woman, in her 30s, was dragged to the ground as she tried to flee her attacker in Dagenham

She was then raped by a man who ran away after the attack.

"Substantial enquiries have been conducted with the local community but we urge anyone who may have been in the area at this time to come forward."

There have been no arrests yet."

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2016

Lustre - The Ardour of Autumn

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"There is a plague burning through western society, and it leaves in it’s wake arrogant weaklings who feel entitled to whatever they desire. It burns through the body that is our culture, and it’s fever kills the strong, the determined, and the willful. It leaves behind only those who are feeble-minded and powerless, and yet those left behind refuse to acknowledge their own nature, and believe they are the strong, and that this plague that grieves us is natural and wonderful. This scourge bears many names but at its heart it is the myths of equality and democracy that eat away at our spirit like a cancer. This decay is the result of weakness, and this weakness is born of foolish ideals of equality. We have forgotten that strength, unity, and determination are what made the western world, and that these traits by nature require consistency. Consistent government requires consolidation of power, and hierarchy, which inherently entails inequality. The more we distribute power the more it dissipates... In doing this we have crippled ourselves, but we have done it with a smile on our faces, in the name of notions of equality and democracy. We must forgo these naive notions and found a society based on ideals of power and virtue."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Like a tree needs its roots, soil, water and sun, a man needs love, company, hope and reason. Stripped of these, man withers and dies, his soul becomes a barren land, incapable of providing either."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“Scholars who basically spend all their time poring over books ultimately become completely unable to think for themselves. They spend all their energy saying yes and no, criticizing what other people have already thought.”

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Semitic religions are a disease for the Aryan spirit. But the combination of semitic religions+liberalism, is like a disease inside another disease."
-Radical Nationalism

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"(Democratic)Progressivism means removing every limitation, uprooting every belief and tradition, and make every vain and hedonistic whim and desire as permissible; and somehow, out of this emerges a “better world”."

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

Antisystem & Rusich - Warrior(With lyrics)

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The two statements; "I love you!" and "I don't care if you and your daughters will be raped in a near future!", are only compatible in the liberal mind."
-Radical Nationalism

Mensagem subliminar.

Notas pessoais:

Propaganda pró-miscigenação associada ao termo "American Dream".
Basicamente, lavagem cerebral destinada às massas de modo a conduzir o plano kalergi versão-EUA.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Multiculturalism is based on the lies of 'enrichment' 'diversity' and 'economic growth.' The people fall for these lies believing that they are somehow benefiting from being displaced in their own nation. The real goal of multiculturalism enforced by a hostile political and alien elite is to replace the host population through massive non-European immigration which in less than 100 years has dramatically altered the demographic make-up of European nations.
This is by design. No political elite would willingly allow such a demographic replacement to occur unless it was being done intentionally."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Aryan people thought if they gave up acting in the interests of their own Race, the rest of the world would do the same. In reality, everyone else went even MORE racial, tribal and ethnically conscious."

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2016

Pensamento+Imagem do dia.

Em 2016 ainda não perceberam que os judeus usam idiotas úteis de várias raças contra os Arianos, porque estes últimos representam a maior ameaça para eles. É apenas por isso, e SÓ por isso que os judeus fingem ser amiguinhos das outras raças.
Basta ler o talmud e ver o que os judeus pensam das outras raças...
Basta ver o que eles fazem aos palestinianos...
Basta ver o que eles fizeram aos Arianos, particularmente Eslavos aquando da conquista do comunismo em grande parte da Europa...
Basta ver quem era responsável por mais de 80% do comércio de escravos Negros para os EUA...
Sem oposição aos judeus, os Negros e Ameríndios vão ser carne para canhão do zog na América. Mas o drama é que mais de 90% destes não atinge isso, e isso deve-se à lavagem cerebral feita pelo sistema educacional e principalmente através dos mass média.

Liberdade só existe se houver autonomia individual.
Menos Arianos=Menor riqueza produzida.
Menos Arianos=Menos emprego de qualidade.
Menos Arianos=Maior carga fiscal.
Menos Arianos=Mais insegurança nas ruas.
Menos Arianos=Menos preocupações com questões de liberdades individuais, nomeadamente vigilâncias orwellianas e direito de porte de armas.
Menos Arianos=Descida de QI na sociedade em geral.

Como é que alguém que ganha mal, vê mesmo assim grande parte do seu fraco rendimento ser confiscado pelo zog, é vigiado ilegalmente de variadas maneiras, não pode andar nas ruas à vontade, e está desarmado, é alguém com autonomia; logo com liberdade?

Os judeus mataram entre 7 a 10 milhões de Ucranianos através da criação de fome artificial; mas o mundo nada aprendeu sobre o "carácter" judaico...

Para já, vão multiplicando os outros para os usarem contra os Arianos.
Depois, vão pô-los uns contra os outros, e genocidiam mais tarde os que representam maior perigo para eles.
Por fim, até porque os judeus não gostam nem nunca gostaram muito de trabalhar com mãos, e quando trabalham somente com o cérebro é sempre com desonrosos propósitos, lá irão usar o grupo racial mais burro e estúpido(provavelmente mestiçado o mais possível, de forma a anular por completo qualquer traço, apelo e/ou sentimento identitário) para serem os seus escravos eternos.
Isto claro, até virem os cyborgs e robôs mais avançados; porque aí, só serão necessários muito menos de metade dos então escravos humanos. E aí o holodomor será uma 'brincadeira' comparado com o que eles estão a preparar no futuro.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Capitalism, an economic system driven only, according to its own theory, by the accumulation of profit, is at least as much the enemy of tradition as the NAACP or communism, and those on the “right” who make a fetish of capitalism generally understand this and applaud it. The hostility of capitalism toward tradition is clear enough in its reduction of all social issues to economic ones. Moreover, like communism, capitalism is based on an essential egalitarianism that refuses to distinguish between one consumer’s dollar and another. The reductionism and egalitarianism inherent in capitalism explains its destructive impact on social institutions. On the issue of immigration, capitalism is notorious for demanding cheap labor to undercut the cost of native workers. But it is not only in America that it has done so."
-Samuel T. Francis