sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017


Mensagem do dia.

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

Os traidores/terroristas eufemisticamente chamados de "políticos democratas" que pertencem às organizações terroristas eufemisticamente chamadas de "partidos políticos" votaram a favor do casamento gay alegando que são a favor das liberdades dos gays, snif snif, blá blá...

Então como explicar que esses mesmos traidores/terroristas eufemisticamente chamados de "políticos democratas" que pertencem às organizações terroristas eufemisticamente chamadas de "partidos políticos" simultaneamente encham a Alemanha de islâmicos, quando estes últimos são 100% anti-gays, sendo que até o próprio corão ordena o assassitano dos paneleiros?

Como explicar isto? Há lógica nisto? Por acaso até há, segundo as intenções deles: as intenções dos traidores/terroristas eufemisticamente chamados de "políticos democratas" é enfraquecer e progressivamente destruir a (cada vez menos)nação Germânica; e daí que tudo o que for nocivo para a (cada vez menos)nação Germânica eles aprovam; mesmo que haja medidas e/ou leis contraditórias entre si mesmas.

É por esta argumentação IRREFUTÁVEL que apresento, que TODO o militar Germânico não pode ser leal à sua nação e aos políticos democratas, pois tal é um paradoxo absoluto.
Há que escolher um lado: a nação ou a democracia!

Blutzeugen - Wenn sie fallen(With lyrics)

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“It was the noblest of ideas to which a German could give all his strength. It made the German nation a gift of unity, it gave the German Reich a new content. 
As other great ideas knew heights and depths, so National Socialism too will be reborn someday in a new generation.”
-Alfred Rosenberg

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

A aprovação do casamento gay na Alemanha ocupada(zog) foi mais um acto de subversão/terrorismo cultural.

Por alguma razão, não existem Deuses Germânicos panões, nem Deusas Germânicas lésbicas.
O casamento gay é 100% antagónico à cultura Germânica.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"In the zog-USA, democrats push hard to disarm native patriots.
At the same time, they armed the islamics terrorists of ISIS to overthow Assad.
So the guns are not the issue here; the issue here is that democrats are internal traitors/terrorists who work daily to arm the enemies of USA, be they muslims or jews.
That's why you cannot be a patriot and a democrat at the same time; that's a paradox. You must pick a side!"
-Radical Nationalism

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

 "To Nietzsche, liberalism - just like marxism - represents mediocrity, who thus becomes an “involuntary slave”, given the egalitarian and leveling character of this theory, in addition to its narrow, selfish and petty individualism, which reduces man to a simple - albeit presumptuous - atom in a mediocre and shallow society which lack a vision of the world and a higher goal; consequently, liberalism has never produced great men - nor will it ever - given that it strives to eliminate them."
-Abir Taha

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Here, the so-called labour movement and other "leftists" organizations are funded by the multi-biolionaire and
super-capitalist George Soros.
When George Soros speculated against the Swedish krona in the '90s, causing a massive financial crisis, he cashed in several bilions SEK that the taxpayers had to make up for. The financial crisis also caused a permanent increase in unemployment.
Is anyone questioning why a so-called labour movement have conections with this man?
The so-called labour movement is nothingh more than a fake labour movement, that just exists to deceive the Swedish worker."
-Fredrik Vejdeland

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"How does the Swedish worker benefit from the huge mass immigration to Sweden wich the trade unions propagate and demonstrate for?
The so-called labour movement does not defend the Swedish worker, they are the foot soldiers of capitalists and globalists.
We NS, are the true labour movement!"
-Fredrik Vejdeland

quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2017

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

A não-detenção dos agentes/terroristas ao serviço do plano kalergi(responsáveis pelo genocídio planeado, consciente e deliberado dos Arianos), confirmam a total falta de credibilidade das instituições internacionais e da democracia.
"The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260. The Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951.

Definition of genocide:

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as
...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Everything is corrupt, and nothing is more upright if not the appetite of the revelers and predators grimed with sanctimonious speech."
-Dominique Venner

The Corrupt Organization Behind #MoreThanARefugee

quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Democracy is totally against the laws of Nature.
Humanity comes from Nature.
Therefore democracy is against humanity.
If you are a genuine humanist, you're against democracy."
-Radical Nationalism

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"More Acid Attacks In London
On Wednesday, a "London" woman, Resham Khan, and her cousin, Jameel, became victims of an acid attack while they were out celebrating Khan's 21st birthday. 
Both victims were left with life-changing injuries: Khan is suffering from damage to one of her eyes and severe burns to her face and body. Jameel, who also suffered severe burns, had to be induced into a coma. 
"A man ran up and threw acid at both Ms Khan and her cousin through the open car window as they stopped at traffic lights" in Beckton, east London, reports ITV News. "He then chased the pair as they tried to drive off but lost control of the car and crashed into a fence."

"Me and my cousin just hours before the attack. (Cropped the rest of my family out)"

The pain was excruciating," Khan told ITV News. "I was struggling to close the window. My cousin struggled to get us away." "I saw my clothes burn away in front of me. He put his foot down as we were coming onto a dual carriage way but the pain took over and we crashed," she continued. 
"We stripped off in the middle of the road, running around screaming and begging for water. We did this for 45 minutes. No ambulance came," added the 21-year-old. 

"I keep wondering if my life will ever be the same. I feel as though I'm blessed to have my limbs and senses. But I loved my face and body," said Khan.
"I miss my face..." said Khan"

Notas pessoais:

Como podem ver, não são nem serão só as mulheres nativas vítimas destes actos terroristas da religião semita forasteira.
Muitos ingénuos e ingénuas não-nativas por Jus Sanguinis, muitas vezes aderem a "plataformas políticas"(eufemismo para organizações subversivas/terroristas) onde prolifera o racismo anti-nativo e onde fazem de idiotas úteis numa coligação de pseudo-interesses comuns onde os alvos são os nativos Europeus(Arianos). Acontece é que a realidade é mais forte que qualquer propaganda judaica: quando se cospe no prato onde se come, e se tenta subverter uma nação do dito "Primeiro Mundo" para se assemelhar cada vez mais a uma nação do dito "Terceiro Mundo", sobra para todos; nativos de gema, "nativos" por Jus Solis apenas, e restantes não-nativos.

O plano kalergi só é bom para os judeus, e para mais ninguém.
Os Arianos conscientes(NS e Fascistas portanto) são os únicos com capacidade para derrotar a "jewtrix" na Europa; se estes forem derrotados, é de uma ingenuidade tremenda todas as outras raças e etnias acharem mesmo que os judeus os irão poupar.

Quem quiser perceber o "humanismo" judaico que estude o talmud; ou então leiam o que os rabinos mais considerados entre eles dizem acerca de TODAS as outras raças e etnias.

terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2017

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"I’m not the person you left behind anymore. There’s no one here to miss."

MetalBlack - Touch of Eternity (FULL ALBUM)

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Somewhere, at this moment, a fair baby sleeps peacefully in his cradle, unaware of the great battle now raging for his own land and by the values of his own people."
-David Duke

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Societies only survive when dedicated themselves to the future generations."
-Roger Scruton

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoque our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths."

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2017

ZetaZeroAlfa - Politicamente Scorretto(With lyrics)

Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"But we need them to boost our economy and assure future pensions."
-Liberal lies

Mensagem do dia.

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"As many thousands of native British engage in hedonistic escapism at Glastonbury totally apathetic to what is going on in the country, over 100,000 muslims in one British city alone show their growing demographic, religious and cultural presence within our nation. This sums up what is wrong with modern Britain and the West in general. Suicidal apathy and a failure to identify and acknowledge the demographic time-bomb that is tiking away amongst us as we allow ourselves to be consumed by selfish individualistic pursuits believing in insane notions of `tolerance´."

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Culture, the soul of a people, is always born out of struggle. When a nation loses its will to fight, it will lose its culture. When it loses its culture, it will die."

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"In almost all respects, liberalism has only realised more effectively certain objectives it shares with Marxism: the erradication of (native)collective identities and traditional cultures, the disechantment of the world, and the universalisation of the system of production."
-Alain de Benoist

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Replacements: Post-industrial totalitarianism and financiariste, Pan-economist, rival and often complicit in Islamism: for him, undifferentiated human matter is indefinitely exchangeable with itself, replaceable thanks. Should it be stressed that there can be no dignity of the species in the permanent Constitution of irreplaceable men and women? As long as man is replaceable by man, he is also and reciprocally by the machine and by the thing. The replacement is a objectification of the living."
-Renaud Camus