"The universe is governed by the laws of Nature.
The laws of Nature are fixed, rigid and eternal.
The human specie, too, is a creature of Nature.
Nature is interested only in survival of the species, and not the
Only those species survive that can complete in the hostile face of all
others and either hold their own or increase.
Nature continually tries to upgrade the species by the law of the
“Survival of the Fittest.”
Nature favors and promotes the inner segregation of each species and
causes the sub-species to compete against each other.
Nature frowns upon mongrelization, cross-breeding or miscegenation.
She has given not only each species, but each sub-species, the instinctive drive to
mate only with its own kind.
Eternal struggle is the price of survival.
Nature has given each creature a strong natural instinct whose basic
drive is the perpetuation of its own kind. Ingrained in this instinct is a complete
blueprint for its whole life pattern that will propagate its own kind, generation
after generation. A species must follow its ingrained instinctive pattern or perish."

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