sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Germany: Sabotage suspected as high-speed train collides with strategically placed concrete slabs
Passengers on a high-speed train traveling near the German town of Struckhum – not far from the Danish border – have eluded injury after their train collided with slaps of concrete strategically placed over the tracks in what appears to be an act of sabotage.

After hearing the loud bang, the conductor, who unfortunately hadn’t been able to see the concrete blocks, was quick to stop the train and activate the emergency alarm. Upon inspecting the exterior of the train, it was clear that extensive damage had occurred.

As to the motive of Monday’s attack by a kalergi's terrorist, German authorities are unsure. Police investigators, however, have said that those who were riding the train were quite fortunate that the attack failed to derail the train.

The concrete blocks were reported to have weighed about 80 kilograms each."

Notas pessoais:

Um atentado falhado(para já) por parte das hordas kalergianas de sabotagem na linhas de comboio… Se tivesse resultado, mesmo que os políticos democratas assumam as consequências - que não assumem -, que adiantava às milhares de vítimas? Será que vai ser preciso uma tragédia de grandes dimensões para as Forças Armadas Germânicas fazerem o MAIS QUE LEGÍTIMO golpe militar Nacionalista para salvar a Alemanha? Lembro que há pessoas a serem presas por falarem verdade, as vossas mulheres, irmãs, filhas, sobrinhas e netas a serem violadas diariamente pelas hordas kalergianas...tipo…o que mais é preciso?

Nem de propósito falei nisto há dias… E quem acha que isto só pode acontecer na Alemanha ocupada(zog), está muito enganado.
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