segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2019

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Man "of African origin" pushes a woman and her 8-year-son in front of a train. The child was killed instantly. The woman survived by luck. The African was arrested.

A child has died after being pushed onto the tracks, along with his mother, in front of a train at Frankfurt's main station.

The eight-year-old boy – and his 40-year-old mother – were pushed onto the tracks in front of an oncoming high-speed train as it was arriving at the station. Police said in a statement that the child was hit by the train and died at the scene.

His mother was able to escape by climbing onto the footpath between platform seven and eight. She was taken to hospital where she was treated for injuries.

Police said initial findings suggest the suspect then attempted to push another person onto the tracks but that person was able to escape.

According to police, the suspect and the victims did not know each other."

Notas pessoais:

Não viram esta notícia nos mé(r)dia pois não? Esta é apenas uma de IMENSAS que acontecem - já que me é impossível colocar aqui todas, nem metade sequer, nem um terço sequer, e nem um quinto sequer - TODOS os dias na Europa ocupada(zog).

Reparem que esta escumalha nem sequer conhece as vítimas. São ataques absolutamente desonrosos, racistas anti-nativos, e que qualquer cidadão nativo pode ser um alvo, principalmente mulheres e crianças pois são alvos mais fáceis paras as hienas.

E se fosse a tua mulher e filho, senhor juiz?
E se fosse a tua mulher e filho, senhor polícia?
E se fosse a tua mulher e filho, senhor jornalista?

Continuem a vigiar/reprimir/perseguir/prender os Nacionalistas genuínos... Depois queixem-se…

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