“There was a time when the old Pagan Gods were pretty fulfilling and they inspired the best of men and women to acts of greatness, love, nobility, sacrifice and heroism. It is, therefore, a good thing to turn to them in thought and pay them our homage. We know pilgrimage, as ordinarily understood, as wayfaring to visit a shrine or a holy place. But there can also be a pilgrimage in time and we can journey back and make our offerings of the heart to those Names and Forms and Forces which once incarnated and expressed man’s higher life. [...] The peoples of Egypt, Persia, Greece, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, etc, are no less ancient than the peoples of India; but they lost their Gods, and therefore they lost their sense of historical continuity and identity. If they wish to rise in a deeper sense, they must recover their soul, their Gods [...] If they do enough self-churning, then their own Gods will put forth new meanings in response to their new needs. [...] If there is sufficient aspiration, invoking and soliciting, there is no doubt that even Gods apparently lost could come back again. They are there all the time.”
-Ram Swarup

-Ram Swarup

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