terça-feira, 9 de maio de 2017

A realidade supera a propaganda democrática...

"Race, ethnicity, and place of birth of the terrorists involved in the major attacks in France since 2012:

Attacks in Montauban and Toulouse in March 2012.
Mohamed Merah, double nationality Algerian, is born in Toulouse.
Attacks in "Charlie Hebdo", in Montrouge and the Hyper hide in January 2015
Cherif Kouachi, Said Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly were all born and French nationality in France.
The stabbing in Nice in February 2015
Moussa Coulibaly was born in France.
Project of attack against a church in Villejuif in April 2015
Sid Ahmed Ghlam, born in Algeria and Algerian citizenship, immigrated to France with his family in 2001, before returning to Algeria in 2003, then back in France in 2010 under family reunification.
Attack on St. Quentin-fancy (Isère) in June 2015
Yassin Salhi was born in France, in Pontarlier (Doubs).
Attack in the Thalys Amsterdam-Paris in August 2015
Ayoub El Khazzani, a Moroccan, was an immigrant, who has lived in Spain in 2014, before moving to Belgium in 2015.
Attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis in November 2015
Bilal Matt was born french in France, as Ismaël Omar Mostefaï, Samy Amimour and Mike Mohamed-Aggad.
Brahim Abdeslam and Salah Abdeslam, the first born in France, the second in Belgium, grew up in Belgium and both had dual citizenship.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud was born in Belgium and had dual belgo-marocaine citizenship, as well as Chakib Akrouh.
Ahmad Al-Mohammad and Mohammad Al-Mamhod (two identities to borrow on their counterfeit passports), are passed through the road of migrants.
Murder of two police officers in Magnanville (Yvelines) in June 2016
Larossi Abballa, of French nationality, was born in France.
Attack in Nice in July 2016
Mohamed Lahouaiej-Blanco was a Tunisian born in Tunisia, immigrated to France in 2005.
Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) attack in July 2016
Adel fate and Abdel Malik Petitjean were both born in France of French nationality."

Notas pessoais:

Não há um único Gaulês nacionalista; e isto é FACTUAL e não opinativo. Não há maneira de refutar tal evidência apresentada.

Posto isto, obrigatoriamente uma questão se coloca:
O que é perigoso para a Nação francesa? O Nacionalismo, ou o multiculturalismo?
A resposta é bastante óbvia não é?

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