Pedophiles of lgbt walking in the streets making of litlle children their preys, don't need no more to disguise themselves in vans of ice-cream... Women being rapped in trains, and nobody cares of her suffering and trauma, do not intervene, don't call the police, and even start to filming the rape as if doses of dopamine are made of her pain and scream...
Democratic-politicians the only records they beat are the numbers of national-debt... And even in your own house, with illegal mass-surveillance done by fake-media, you cannot live true love with your companion because without privacy, intimacy between lovers is a paradox, a
pseudo-secrecy that no one kept...
Once you told me smugly that I was not "open-minded" like you... But somehow, the majority is like you, but only a few are like me... Do you understand the irony?
The lie in the end, will always lose to what is true...
In my faults, I became better... Evolution for me, had always matter... But in what I was already good, I did not corrupted myself... I remain the same... Uncorrupted by the so-called seduction of fame... If they want me to be just another stupid pawn of zog; I will not play their game...
And Now in the democratic realize the most genuine thing you had in your entire life, was my love and my kiss...
My Nation, my race and my ethnicity, then became my major passion and love... Ironically, it was you the seed of my Radical Nationalism... You and (((them)))... Your arrogance and tyranny respectively, was the main shove...
My soul is now fulfilled of Radical Hate and Radical Love...
Now I am complete... Spirit commands the flesh and meat...
Radical Aryanism in terms of evolution, is the true and most divine major leap... A divine and astral oath, that I will forever keep...