sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"From very early on, Jewish children are taught about money, how to make it and also how to make money off of money. While Gentile children are being indoctrinated with all sorts of studies and subjects in the schools, (most of which have no bearing on real life issues, how to survive, or to make a decent living), the average Jew is being prepared not only to survive, but also how to connive their way in this world, especially the religious Conservative and Orthodox Jews.

Jews call themselves "People of the book." While Gentiles are being indoctrinated with Jewish media, the Jews themselves are busy studying. At Yeshiva school, Jews are taught how to argue. Arguing, along with twisting and perverting the facts is a very strong Jewish trait, along with lying. The Jew is master of telling lies. A Jew will lie directly to your face, even in spite of your having proof on paper, and tell you what you are seeing on the paper is not correct. They are endless liars and swindlers. The Jew is highly intelligent and extremely deceptive."

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